part. 13 the summer.

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As I woke up Dobby was in my room. "Morning Dobby. Are you alright? " he looked little scared. Lucius then knocked on the door. "Come on in" I yelled and he came. I lifted myself to sit up but it wasn't just Lucius it was also Draco.

Y/n " what is it?"

Draco " we thought that if you don't minde we would go take the school things today and you would stay here with mother."

Y/n "well okay then but can I hear the reason?"

Lucius " it is because we will go take care some other things and you can't be there when we do. I think you understand. "

Y/n "ofcourse Lucius "

Draco kissed me and saw Dobby on other side of the bed

Draco"what the hell are you doing in her bedroom?!"

Y/n "Draco it's alright I called him here. I wanted to ask if there is anything I shoul know but then you two came in" Draco looked little suspices but then he smirked at me and kissed my forehead.

We can already show to the world that we are a couple and do stuff like this even if his parens are looking.

" well, see you later then" he said and they got out of my room. Dobby then jumped on the bed.

Dobby "I think that you should not go out without someone with you. Because there was a acsident in azkaban."

Y / n " Dobby what do you mean?"

Dobby " a man got out"

I was shoked because how did it have anything to do with me

Y / n " why shoul I look out "

Dobby "because your Potter's friend and he wants to kill him"

Okay NOW I was shocked. Everytime something happend it was because of him.

"Thankyou Dobby. I will be careful. "

He then leaft and I chaged my clothes. It was boring to wait and wait them to come back so I just took my wond and went to practice.

I wanted to try the three worbidden spells but they ar unleagle. I then opened my window so that even one bug would come.

After a while one did came I then took my wond and helt it towards it. "Crucios" I didn't want to kill it right away. I wanted to see what I could do. So I tortuted it.

Ms. Narcissa then came in and I jumbet " You shoul have told me if you want to practice something so hard" she didn't look like she was mad, more like happy.

Narcissa "Well then dear, what is the next step?"

Y/n " Imperio" I then stardet to 'play' with it. I troued it to wall and then I got bored... I wanted to end his life. "Avada kedavra" it then stopped and it fall down.

" well this comes naturally for you" Narcissa said and I was happy to hear that. but I asked that if we could keep this as a secret, at least from Draco.

Draco then came inside the room. Narcissa just node and leaft the room.

Draco then pulled me close to his chest.

Y / n " what got in to you?" I asked with a smirk on my face.

Draco "well, would you believe if I tell you that I felt like it?" He the kissed me with passion.

Y / n " No. You alweys have something you want if you act like this. Because you think it makes me weak infront of you"

Draco " you know me too well. But yes I want something. I want to know what did you and my mother wanted to keep as a secret from me?" He then put his other hand on my waist and with other he lifted my chin so he would see my face.

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