part.8 THE manor

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We came to the station. We got our things and Draco pulled me towards exit.

He then Jumbet to hug a women who I think that was his mother. I then walked closer. "Hello. You must be (y/n). Draco told us lot about you. I'm Draco's mother Narcissa, and this here is his father Lucius."

I smiled " Nice to meet you Ms. Narcissa and Mr. Lucius. I'm (y/n)(l/n)" after that Narcissa hugged me and I hugged her back.

I then shaked hands whit Mr. Lucius and we then went to a fireplace and Mr. And Ms. Malfoy went first. Draco went after them.

I then heard someone to yell my name, it was my father. I then quickly went inside the fireplace and used the powder "MALFOY MANNER!" I yelled and after that everything went green. I then closed my eyes

After I opened them I saw Draco that was waiting for me. And I saw the manor.

It was so big and little bit empty but still. It was really beautiful. Mr. Malfoy then stardet to yell at house elf whos name was Dobby.

" (y/n) come I show you your room!" Draco then stardet to pull me to upstardes and showed me the room. I had my very own balcony and a kingsize bed.

"My room is just in front of yours" Draco said happily and stardet to show other parts of the mansion

"I would really like to get in slytherins Quidditch team. I really want to win the games, but more than that I want to win that stubit Potter in his own game!" Draco said whit smirk on his face

"Well if you don't minde, I am thinking of trying to get in the team. I heard that it is fun. And I could take any fun that I can get right now." I said and Draco looked little worried.

Draco's father gave us new brooms. Nimbus 2001 "I heard that you both wanted to get in the team and I heard that (y/n) didn't even have the broom of hers" heSaid whit his famous smirk on. me and Draco looked at Lucius. "Thankyou really much!!" We said at the same time and run straight outside to try our brooms.

I wasn't that good at flying but I was quick on broom, I just didn't know how to control it.

The whole summer we both practiced flying. Now I hade the control and Draco hade the skills to fly really stedy.

I enjoyed my time in the mansion and everyone was really nice to me. And I think that I really was in love with Draco but I don't think we have that kind of relasionship.

Draco's profile

I stardet to have emotions towards (y/n). We were both already 12 years old! it's only natural in this age.

"(Y/n. Would you like to go out whit me?" I asked but I wasn't sure what would she think about it.

" Draco I didn't know you had the same feelings" after I heard those words I was filled with happines. I then put my hands over her neck and leaned down to kiss her.

She tryed to hug me but then I fell over her and my father came to see what was that noize all about.

He then opened the door and he saw me over (y/n) on a floor. "Draco Malfoy. (Y/n) (l/n) ? What on earth are you two doing?" My father looked somehow amused over this scene.

We both got up quick and we were so embarest. Dad then went back to down to mother. I hope we don't have to go some father & son talk because of this.

( Y / N ) profile

After that I looked at Draco and he looked at me, and we both stardet laughing. I then kissed Draco again. I was happy that he felt the same way about me that I felt about him.

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