part 30. "Trust"

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As I came back Draco was waiting for me outside. As I went to him. I jumbet and he got me and swinged me around. He then put me down and kissed me with passion.

After that scene was over. I took his hand like usual. And we stardet walkind.

Y / n " Well how did things go while I was gone?"

Draco " nothing really happend. And I didn't use the closet as you told me to. But what about you?"

Y / n " I did filth work."

Draco " you mean"

Y / n " yes... I burned and tortuted....and made my first kill"

Draco " b..bu...but yor just 15 years old girl!"

Y / n " and your 15 years old boy! In this kind of things the gender dosn't matter "

Draco " I know but you....your okay right "

Y / n " I did it yestarday....I don't know is it because of my blood but it didn't damage me all"

Draco " I hope thats the case when my turn comes"

I just came back from father made me train myself. I made my first kill really didn't feel all that bad.

But I was worried at first when we destroyed Weaslys home, that what if Harry will notice me? But he didn't. I was lucky.

Draco stayed here to look after things

I looked at him with sorrow in my eyes.

Draco " aaaa....stop looking at me like that. You look too innosecent I want to take it away from you"

Y / n " Maeby I want you to take it" I smirked and lifted my eyebrow. Then he did the same.

These times with Draco were fantastic. If I could, I would never stop walking with him.

We didn't have any classes today so we just walked around the plase but then Dumledore came to me and wanted to talk.

I was little worried about we were walking his office I looked at all the students. They have no idea what is going on.

As we arrived to his office he stardet to speak.

Dumledore " I now know who your parens are, both of them. Do you want to know?"

WHAT WHAT WHAT.....WHAAAAAT?! how did he find out?! Okay I think it will be safer if I pretendet not to know anything.

Y / n " ofcourse! "

Dumledore "This mind be a shock but your mom really is Bellatrix Lestrange but your father..."

Y / n " yes, dumledore? "

Dumledore " your father is the one who should hot be named ... Voldemord "

I acted as if I was in shock and stardet to cry

Y / n " B...but Dumledore I....I'm not a bad wizard I...I'm not like them "

I put my face to my hands and he comes to hug me. This would be so good moment to kill him but it is not my job to do so.

Dumledore " I think it is also time you know about something else."

Y / n " wh...what"

He then walked to his desk and showed me the diary that Harry destroyed at the first year.

And some other things. That were destroyed and I looked at him with suprised look on my face.

Dumledore " Thease are parts of his soul and there is 7 in all together and he wont die if we don't destroy all of them."

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