part 29 "You are a deatheater "

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We were at the train. This time I didn't sleep. I had to watch after Draco.

He was scared what will happen this year. But he was at least little calm when I was with him.

We both had would I say it...Glamoures clothing. It reslly caught almost everyones eyes.

Draco stod up to get our luggage down but then someone put up a black smoke. It was one of thouse Weaslys stubit tricks

Y / n " Draco...sit down. It was a brank."he then looks at me and sits next to me, and took hold of my hand again.

He looked up many times snd I couldn't figure out why. But then I heard the train stop. I almost stod up but Draco wasn't moving so I sit back down.

When we were the only ones leaft he let go of my arm and stod up, he then closet the doot and the windows.

Y/ n " Draco what is it? "

Draco " didn't your mother tell you that it is rude to lisen what others are saing, Potter " he then turned around with his wonde and it pointed at my derection. I put my head down to cover it.

I then heard something to drop and I heard Harry's voice. But there was nothing on the floor.

I standed up and looked at the floor. Then Draco took something from there and then Harry apeared.

Draco then kicked him in the face

Draco " that was from my father. And enjoy your ride back to London " he then put the....thing....back on harry and he disapeared again. I jumbet over him into Draco's arms. I then took his arm and we left the train.

Y / n " That was cool you know!" Draco then gave me a little smile.

Draco " well it's alweys fun to beat him out" I then gave him a smile.

As we came to the point were our things we taken they tryed to take Draco's walking stick. I was happy that Snape was there and helped us to get trough.

Draco looked pretty mad but then he saw Harry and he smirked "Nice face Potter " I looked at him then and saw that his nose was broken. I laughed a little bit but then we took off.

When we walked to the Great Hall I holded Draco's arm the whole time. least now we looked like a couple.

When we sit down his 'body guards' went to sit around us. Draco was drinking at the moment but then I saw Harry "Draco, look" I said and he looket at me and then to the place I pointed.

Draco " Why that little scum can't just dissapear?!" He whispered.

Y / n " Because he dosn't have the sterght to do so?" Draco then looked at me and kissed my cheek.

Dumledore then stardet to speak but I knew everything he spoke. We had a new teacher and Snape will be teaching us Defence Against the Dark Arts. He then stardet to talk about dark forces, me and Draco were bored.

Like easy me to say that look over here we are alredy here but we don't have to do anything and they don't see us because we have been here before all this mess stardet up.

When we went sleeping I gave Draco a kiss and he went off. I went to my room. This year I hade to keep P/n as close as possible because I didn't want to hurt him/her. From this day foward she/he will alweys be with me as ring.

* morning *

We hade potion. I wanted to stop it but it was Draco's favorite so I didn't stop. I knew that if I stop he will quit it too.

We were just about to start when Harry and Ron came in...late.

Hermione then went front to tell about the potion and that it was the most powerfull love potion in the world.

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