part 20. who learns from who.

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I went back to Draco.

Draco " well I think I will see you again on the dance floor. " he said and went to his room.

Y / n " well then I show you how good looking I can really be." As I said that I could hear a little laugh from his direction.

I was now in my room. I wanted to be on my best tonight. I started to cruel my hair. I put on little earrings so that they wont get stuck in to my hair.

I put on my favorite dress and both rings that Draco gave me. Engagement ring and the on he gave me as a christmas present.

I put beautiful eye makeup but not too much. I looked at the clock and I still had time so I helped my room mates with the hair and makeup.

(F/n) "what is that" he pointed at my left hand

Y / n " it's my hand "

F/n " No silly, this!" He took my hand and pointed at the engagement ring

Y / n " it's a ring"

F / n " but it's in your engagement finger"

Y / n " so...?" I don't know should I tell them yeat. At least I can play along for now.

F / n "don't you so me! I can see that it has to be a engagement ring! So...who is it? Well I don't even have to ask. It is Draco! I am so happy for you!!"

Y / n " I have no clue what are you thinking that is going on but this is just a ring and it 'happens' to be were a engagement ring should be."

She let it go but I can see that she will try to prove it somehow.

We then stardet to walk to common room. (F/n) went couple steps ahead of me. I was still in stares when she stardet to yell

F/n " C'mon (y/n) your romeo is waiting you over here!!!" He wouldnt be there this early. I just want to get out of my room to have fresh air so I came this early.

Y / n " (f/n) he is not my...romeo"

Draco " ouch... (y/n) that hurts" as I heard that I took my last step and was in common room.

I then hade a little smirk. I walked down to them and gave my hand to Draco and he kissed it.

Y / n " You don't look so hurt to me"

Draco " Maeby I learned from the best how to hide it."

Y / n " Or your trying to get me to do something as a apologize "

F/n " ämmm....sorry but Draco can I ask you something because I think that (y/n) is hiding it"

Draco " well what would that be" he looked at me with his smirk.

F/n "are you two engaget?" Draco then looked at me.

Draco " are we now? Why didn't you tell me? "

Y / n " I don't know Draco. Maeby you should tell me"

Draco " I think that we should be going" and thats the end of that. Draco then took my hand and we stardet to walk towards the Great Hall.

Y / n " well you played it safe. "

Draco " well. We did agreed to keep it as a secret for now. "

We then saw Harry and Ron, Harry's mouth dropped open. It did amuse me, but Draco didn't like it. Hermione wasn't with them, Well why was that? We tryed to walk past them but there was too many people so we had to wait next to them.

Harry "(y/n) you look beautiful " he said as he got hold of his chin.

Y / n " Thankyou Potter " I looked at him when I spoke but shortly after that I turned my face back in front.

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