part.10 Hate makes us emotional

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Snape was starding to plame Harry from all this "Sorry but Harry was with me. Answering my fanmail" Lockghard protected him.

Hermione helped Harry too but then Snape looked at me. But not with suspices look on his face, more like he knew what I was going to say " I heard something and wanted to chek out what it was. When I came here I...I...I had vision and when it ended you were all here." I spoke up and I was shaking from fear.

"We have no profes that they were the ones who did this. " Dumledore said to Snape.

I then went to my house with Snape.

Draco's profile

I wanted to wait for (y/n) but I couldn't. I waited her in the house. I the heard someone to come in but it wasn't her.

I waited longer but then I fell a sleep.

( Y / N ) profile

After we came back I saw Draco that was in deep sleep.

(Y/n) " I want to tell you the trueth."

Snape " what are you talking about?"

(Y/n) "I am really sorry that I didn't tell earlier, but I don't trust everypody in here "

Snape. "Go on"

(Y/n) " I heard that someone shouted KILL KILL but only me and Harry could hear it! I don't know why, but I know that you were trying to help me and Harry before, and I trust you!"

Snape said that he is going to look up something that would explain all this. Snape got out and I looked at Draco.

I put a blanket on him and he was looking so worried. I then kissed his forehead. I don't know why but eaven if I want to, I can't be mad at him for too long. I then kissed him on his lips and after that I went to my room.

"(P/n) what do you think is going on with me? Am I going mad?" I asked but (she/he) shooked (his/her) head as saying no.

Draco's profile

I woke up early in the morning. And saw that there was blanket on me. Well I know who has to be the on that put it on me.

I then went to my room to put my hair in order and chage my clothes. I was happy that she wasn't that mad at me that I first thought. Because if she would have, she wouldnt do that.

I then walked down from my room and went out from the door. And I was waiting outside the door.

(Y/n) profile

I didn't get any sleep last night my eyelids were heavy and my whole body felt numb. I then put on little makeup so that I didn't look like I hadn't sleept at all. I also changed my bandages .

I the got my snake to my finger and leaft the room and slytherin house. I then saw that Draco was there. I just looked at him and continued walking.

He followed me the whole time and I got annoyed.

(Y/n) "Why are you folloing me?!"

Draco "because I want to make sure that your alright. And... I want to know how mad are you?"

(Y/n) " yes thank. My hand only has little bruises from your crip"

Draco "look, i"m sorry that I hurt you. But I WAS mad at you because you lied that you wouldnt be hurt but you were!"

(Y/n) "but I wasn't hurt! At least I didn't know I was"

Draco " well I did it because I was worried about you! What can I do if I love you so much that I don't care if you will be mad at me. But I know you don't take care of yourself. I was with you the whole summer, and everytime you got hurt you didn't tell me! And you don't do anything if you get hurt! You just stayed quiet about the wounds but then they got infected and then my mother was the one help you out!"

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