part 12. betrayal

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(Y/n) profile

As we got to the informary the golden trio was there. Draco lifted me to bed and went to see if doctor was there.

Harry and Ron then came to me they looked like they were sad.


" Harry, can you please give me your hands?" After I spoke Harry showed them to me. I crabbet them and there was (p/n) bite in his hand

I then spoke Parseltongue to him so that he could deside whenever to tell Ron or not.

"It was you and Ron who was in our common room! I know when I see my little snakes bite even if (she/he) was under spell that made (him/her) smaller. I don't know what are you up to but if it has something to do with the fact that you think Draco is the bad guy here, I would stop right now!" After I stobbet I let go of his hands and Ron looked us with "what was that all about "look. I then leaned back and Draco came back with the lady.

" my friend pushead me and I fall down but he didn't do it as if he would mean to hurt me." I said as she had a look of my leg "young mans please hold her still this is going to hurt. I have to push the leg back to it's original plase"

after I heard that I took Draco's hand "it's going to be okay. Just look at me okay?" Draco said to me and I node

Harry was holding my other leg and I could see he wasn't happy about Draco being in here. Ron holded my other arm. I just looked at Dracos eyes and I almost cryed.

He then put a hand over my eyes and kissed my forehead, I stardet to cry and that is when my leg went to it's place "Aaa...Damm...god that hurts" I shouted while I was still having Dracon hand over my eyes.

" Draco why is your arm on her eyes?" I heard Ron ask "it is not your prombelm!" Draco was gedding mad at them.

"Draco it stopped, you can remove your hand now" I said and he took it off the skin under my eyes was little red but I didn't cry anymore.

"Anyway what happend to Hermione, no no let me guess! She tryed some potion she did for the first time and she did something rong?" I was happy about what I saw, I am not going to lie about that but. Really, why did they have to push me?

-time skip -

*Couple weeks after that*

There is so much going on!

1. Something alweys happens to me

2. Harry and Ron are getting suspices

3.Hermione is in informary like a rock

4. I have to report to Snape about everything that has Harry in it

5. And I have to look after Draco. He is my boyfriend after all

Y/n "Snape please! I can't follow them with this leg. It has been weeks and it's still not okay for me to walk, and don't even let me start that Draco won't let me out of his reach so easly if I'm hurt"

Snape " don't beg your not a dog, your girl. And yes I had done such potion that can put your leg back to normal in just one night but it is going to hurt like hell"

Y/n "I understand, I just want to walk, no! I want to run and have that snake, no matter where it is hiding" after that Snape gave me this potion and it tasted so god dam bad.

I then leaft his office and try to guess who was waiting for me "Draco I said that it was about my snake because it has to be cheked" I told that to Draco at least 4 times now."c'mon I know that but now that I have an excuse to be close to you I want to use it well." He then kissed me again. ou c'mon Draco.

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