part 15. minde of my own

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I didn't have my parens name in that stubit paper so I couldn't go to the village with others. I told Draco to go so that he could bring me something.

But what I was really worried about, was that I was alone with Harry.

We were sitting in the class room waiting others to get back

Harry " why did you hit me when I kissed you?"

Y / n " Harry! Your seriously asking that queston?! I have a boyfriend in a case you didn't know! And you kissed me right infront of him."

Harry "What? Is it so rong to love two people in the same time? Back then I could see it from your eyes! You liked it when I kissed you but you felt that it was rong and pushed me away  "

Y / n " Stop daydreaming Potter. I... don't love you"

Harry " I don't know when. But I know that you will leave Draco and come to me. Because I know that girls like that bad boy thing. But every girl needs that gentelman at some point" he came closer to me

Y / n " Harry no, stop before I "

Harry " You what?"

Y / n " I..."

Harry "see you do love me but you just can't admid it! "

Y / n " Shut up before I seriously have to stop being your friend!" After I said that he looked shock. He then put back his normal face

Harry "you know you wouldnt do that" he then came to me and kissed me with passion. I tryed to smack him but he took my arm. He made the kiss deeper.

I can't say that I didn't like it, but I knew it was rong.

We then broke the kiss and Harry looked at me as he let go

Y / n " and you call yourself a gentelman? " Harry didn't have time to answer because the rest of the class came back.

I then went to Draco. I didn't tell him about what happend. At least not yet.

We heard that sirius black somehow got inside the school so everypody had to go to the Great Hall.

All the students slept under guard but I was suspices is there something more going on.

When the morning came we had Mr Lupin's class but Snape was the one that came in class and we stardet to speak about werewolfs. Like not interested. Draco drow some paper to Harry.

Harry had a Quidditch game even if there was a storm. I tryed my best not to care about the wether. Draco wanted to come so I came too.

After Harry went up to the clouds the other boy already came down. After a while Harry also came down but Dumledore safed him.

I can't lie that I didn't care about him but I wouldnt lie if I say that I don't love him at least not the same way I love Draco.

But that was long ago. Right now the beautiful white snow was everywhere I looked. I loved the snow.

But this time I had the premission to go, BUT Draco didn't know. I then let him go and I went after him but way after so that he wouldnt know I was there.

I then followed him and then he stardet to speak Ron and Hermione. Of course the boys were with him  were with him but still, I enjoyed when someone hit his face with snowballs. After the boys stardet to run I saw that it was Harry.

My smile went away and I stardet to get closer to hear what did they talk about. But then I remembert that I don't want to go another deth match because of him.

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