Chapter 1

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Elena's POV:

I looked at myself in the mirror, it was like a dream come true..

I saw a beautiful girl in front of it...the Bride.

She looked a bit pale, blond with curly long hair, blue eyes, she was wearing her mom's wedding dress. It was her mom's dream, she lost her parents at ten, it's been thirteen years now...still they are always alive in her heart.

Mom would have been so happy to see me getting married to Luke. He is such a kind person, and most important is that he loves me. Mom always said marry someone who loves you with all his heart, no matter what... that man will never leave you.

I always wanted a person who loves me like crazy, it's not that I don't love him but I am sure that i love him way to much as a bestfriend that he is since my childhood. I have no regret to spend my life with him. He knows everything about me..and I feel as I am myself with him.  Arina always say, it's better to spend our life with a person who loves you rather than loving a person who doesn't care for you. I sighed absorbing those words within myself. This is it..

"Finally!" I sighed, " you are getting married Elena Shaw."  I mumbled to myself looking in the mirror.

"Elle!! need any help?"

Arina asked behind me taking me out of my trance. She lives with me in my house, so she is kind of a housemate or should I practice saying "was" since after few hours I won't be her housemate anymore, anyways she is my bestfriend.

After my parents died, I couldn't stay alone, I don/t have a family, just some of my close neighbors,  so she lived with me as a paying guest. Our neighbor Uncle James suggested us this arrangement. She lived in a rented house in my neighborhood and asked me if she could stay with me. We were best friends since then. She is taller then me brunette with big brown eyes and olive skin. Somehow i felt she never aged. I think she is almost same age as mine but beautiful. Though she never told me her real age, trust me I had tried everything. Every time I ask her she just quotes "A lady never tells her age... or weight.". Huh.. As if she weighed anything. She looked light as paperweight. 

That was one hilarious statement but i let it go. She is what she is and i loved her for that. She was the only family i had till now.

I turned around beaming at her.

"Hey Arina..i am almost done.. Has Luke arrived?"

"Not yet..I am wondering what is taking him so long..I will check with his parents. Ohh! wait a sec.." she strutted over to me and circled me scanning to pick out if anything she sees amiss. Finally she whistled.

"Elle.. you look so beautiful."

I could practically see her eyes getting moist.

"Thank you and stop.. no need for waterworks." She giggled and hugged me.

"Okay. Jeez fine... But..oh sweety I am so happy for you. Really, I mean it. Luke's a great guy."

"That he is. I love you. Thanks for being there with me." I said full of emotions. She was the closest thing to me and my heart broke that I wouldn't be living with her now.

"Now stop with all the waterworks or you will ruin your makeup. Enough of this emotional drama. Now let me go out and check with Luke's parents okay?"

"Yes Mama." I teased her.

"Whatever." she said winking and went out.

I started doing the final touchups and after few minutes I was all ready.

Luke must have arrived by now...

I looked around and saw my college friends in bridesmaids dresses and smiled. They all looked excited in knee length baby pink dresses.. all girly types. I took the flowers and got ready. Uncle James will be escorting me to the aisle...I saw him coming through the door...this is it! It's time!! Butterflies started to flutter in my stomach. A cold sweat started to form on my forehead.

I am doing the right thing. I am doing the right thing... I started chanting. I breathed and tried to relax. Turning to look at Uncle James I smiled at him warmly. He was like a father to me. I owe him much more than this.

He came in with a blank face and stopped. Looking at me he hung his  head low closing his eyes as if in pain.

My smile stopped gauging his reaction. Something has happened.. Something very bad has happened. I could sense it, I have experienced it before. I know this feeling. No.. No.. No...

"Uncle..tell me" I whispered.

"Elena dear.. I am...sorry...I don't ..I can't..." he whispered in breaking words..

"Elle!!...Elena...!!" we turned to the door and saw Arina coming in. She was breathless as she entered, her face was filled with horror and her  eyes were she would burst anytime.. A knot formed in my stomach. The same feeling I have had before many times.

"What's wrong??" i asked both of them.

"Elle..." she cutted closing her eyes.

"WHAT IS IT?" I almost shouted panicked by the situation. All my bridesmaid friends looked worried and came near me.

"What happened?" Jolie one of them asked Arina.

"It's about Luke..." she said and was interrupted by Uncle James.

"..he is no more. He died in a car accident few minutes back."

Noooo!!!! This isn't please no!!! Not him too.. No...

It was like the room has fallen apart.. I couldn't breathe. This can't be happening. No!

I looked at them shocked. It felt like my world is over..nothing is left. First my parents and now the only person who is closest to me since childhood is no more!! That too on our fucking wedding day!!

My heart felt like it had disappeared. I felt...Blank...absolutely breath got caught..
I didn't knew what to do...I just wanted peace...peace....

I started walking out of the church ignoring the pulls..comments and shouts of people calling me. I don't know where I am going....I just kept walking, don't know when I started running, my mind blank, nature calling me..I ran and ran till I got tired and blackness came into view......till I found the place where I could curse my life......


Hey people,

I know a really dramatic start..but there's more as we go forward. Get excited as our hero will be introduced in the next chapter. :) till then keep reading and don't forget to...



Urs Soniya. :)

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