Chapter 25

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I was introduced to the other members of my family. Diana looked too excited to have me there. I have two cousin uncles, four cousins, and grandpa, but the one i wanted to be introduced was missing. own brother, Almus. Grandpa said that he was out on a mission. I don't know when he will be back, but i just hope i get to see him soon. Bryan was going to leave after lunch. He met grandpa before leaving, and looked amused and deep in thoughts after whatever their conversation was about.

"What's wrong? You look worried."

"Naah, what did you expect from me... after such a long earful of lecture from Arnold." he said grinning. I laughed at him.

"Okay..Tell me what he said."

" thats a secret my love."

"Thats not fair!!"

He grinned and gave me a peck on lips. "He just told me to take care of you or.."


"He will make sure i don't exist in this world." he said smirking.

"What!! No way he was serious."

"Why not? He was serious. He loves you. You are his grand daughter after all."

I rolled my eyes. "Whatever."

We reached for his car. He unlocked it and turned to me. Hugging me, he kissed me passionately and whispered.

"I am gonna miss you like hell." i smiled and nodded.

"I hope you will be back soon. Tell about me to Arina and Sue. Also inform Demon okay?"

"I'll do." he said looking at me with those killing looks. I don't want to leave him but he has to go now. I hugged him.

"If you act like this i will not be able to go."

"Hmm..i don't want you to go." i murmured.

"I'm sorry even i don't want to but i have to."

I nodded .

He gave me a soft kiss and got in his car. Giving me a wink to cheer me up he made his way back.


"Why are you here? You shouldn't be here...this place is not safe for you..Elena...Elena....Elennaaa!!!......"

I woke up with a jolt, totally breathless...

"Hell!..what was that?" I looked around and recalled yesterday's incidences. I am at the council home..and in my room.

I sighed in relief. Looking around i realised i was in my room here. In very short time i found my room comforting. It had a great view which Diana told me but couldn't see as it was too late when i arrived yesterday. I saw it was just six thirty in the morning, but i was full awake, so i decided to wake up and stroll around. After getting showered and dressed i decided to head out when i heard muffled voices...i followed the voices which seemed to be coming through my window..i went there and opened it and a cool breeze came in..i looked at the view..big green mountains were lying looked beautiful. I saw down and there were few girls which too were wolfs chatting and giggling.

"He's back.." of them said.."yes..i heard it too..ohh i can't wait to see him" another girl said dreamily..

"Girls!! there he is.." another girl pointed to the driveway..

I followed her gaze and saw a car approaching the house..though the window was open, i could only see his blurred face. He was wearing glasses and was in black clothes..that's all what i could find out...who was he?...i waited as the car came near and parked in front of the house door..The car doors opened and three men came out..i could feel it..they were wolfs..they looked young and smart, all were wearing black... one of them smirked looking at the girls who were chatting and then he saw me by the window. The other one stopped in his tracks as i saw him and he looked at me by the window. We locked our gazes and i could feel it...a sense of belonging, a sense of attraction, a sense of love, i know who he is...i know it.. We kept looking at each other, i could feel my eyes getting seemed like he could sense what i feel, he clenched his fist and almost dissapeared in the air, i searched him, but all i could see was the other two guys looking at me with unreadable expression. I turned around and decided to go find him, just when i opened the door i saw him standing there..seemed he was there for long, deciding what to do...i looked at him and we again locked our gazes. I observed him he looked like dad but had mom's hair..just like me. He reminded me of them, our sweet memories and the next thing i did was to hug him hard. He took no time to hold me and i could feel his tears. We didn't say anything just stayed like that for what seemed like a long time. I didn't knew what to say. I was happy that i met my family, but this feeling, being with my own brother, which i had missed in my life, whom i never got to know was incredible. Finally, he broke our hug and looked at me.

"I can't find words to describe how i am feeling right now." he said holding my face in his hands.

"Me too.." i mumbled.

"Stop crying kiddo..I am here now." he said and hugged me.

"Don't call me kiddo..i am grown up for god sake." i said giggling in his chest.

"You are to me..stop complaining about it. Do you even know my name?" he asked smirking at me.

"Ofcourse i do.." i rolled my eyes and got out of his arms. He let out a small laugh.

"I always wanted you to be here. You don't know how i have missed you and mom-dad."

I nodded and hugged him again.

"So..are we going to stand here and talk all day or are you going to invite me in?"

"Ohh yes..please come in.."

He entered my room and i followed.

"Do you like this room?"

"Yeah, it's good, i like such colours and the view through the window is breathtaking." i said looking through the window.

"I know."

"You know?" i looked at him confused.

"Mom told me...she always told me about you. We designed this room for you, hoping that you will be here some day."

"You did? Oh my god..Almus. I don't know if i am dreaming."

"Well, You are not." He said rolling his eyes.

I sighed and nodded. We spoke about everything, since childhood till now. He was a great brother, i learnt he studied and always topped in it while he was master and the head in council force team. He bought me gifts for every  birthday.  He opened an hidden drawer which was almost big as a huge table and showed me the gifts. I was so overwhelmed. He was good looking no doubt, tall, tanned skin, dark hair and a handsome guy with all the features to die for. Now i know why those girls were talking like that.

"Almus, i am sorry..i mean i never knew about you..and you were so caring about me even when we were away."

"You don't have to be sorry Ella..circumstances were not right, but i am here now and i am here to care for you."

"I know."

I heard my cellphone ringing, and i knew who was it..I saw the name and smiled.

"Who is it?"

"'s a friend of mine." i said, deciding to explain him about my mate thing later.

I received the call, "Hey.."

" took forever to receive my call."

" what's up?"

"Well, i am almost done with my work here, I'll reach there soon."

"That's good." There was a long pause before he spoke again.

"Are you hiding something from me?"

"No..nothing like that." i said looking at Almus who was now looking at me curiously. I gave him a small smile.

"Okay.. I'll see you soon."

"Yeah..sure. Bye." i ended the call and looked at him,

"Hiding me from someone?"

"Ahh..not exactly like that."

"Who was this friend by the way? A friend or boyfriend? Is he a wolf or a human?"

"Bro..bro..just stop okay..I'll tell you soon. I promise."

"Fine..i just want you safe, you know that right?" he said kissing my forehead. I nodded understanding what he was implying.

"Let's go meet Grandpa."

"Yeah, i haven't met him since i am back. Let's go."

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