Chapter 16

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"Demon as in Bryan's brother?"

"You got me right sweety.."

Why is he calling me? Is Bryan...oh no..what happened to him?

"Is he okay?" i asked concerned.

"Yes he is fine. Actually, i am waiting for you outside your shop. "

"Ohh..why don't you come in then?" i offered. Thank god Bryan is fine.. He thought for a while while i waited for his answer.

"Okay.." finally he said.

"See you then." i said as he hung up the phone. I went out of the pantry and looked at the strong muscled man almost as good as Bryan but not more then him standing in front of me. He was tall with black hair with tanned complexion for which any girl would fall easily..except me ofcourse. I smiled at him as i approached the Alpha.

I was about to give him a handshake when he hugged me tight surprising me.

What was that for?

"Good to see you sweety." he said hugging me.

"Me too.." i said bit awkwardly. He released me from his hold.

"My stupid brother has sent me to pick you up and drop you home. He sent an apology as he had to go for a work urgently today. Don't worry though he will be back by tonight..i guess.." he said all those words in one breath. I smiled at his behaviour. He doesn't seem weird..rather i think we could be good friends.

"That was really funny.." i said grinning.

"You find me amusing?" he acted a while and then laughed.

"I thought you called me in so that you can feed this hungry boy. You know the aroma here is so tempting and i am damn hungry now."

I grinned at him and nodded.

Maybe i have a good company today back home.

"Take a seat Demon." i took some of my pastries and cookies in a plate and kept the tray in front of him. He ate it with such elegance.

This two brothers are so different.. I almost shrink in Bryans loving gaze while this man seems so friendly. He seems well mannered.

"Sweety..this is really good. Now i know what Bryan was talking about at lunch." i looked at him surprised.


"Ofcourse yes..he frustrated mom and me by telling how beautifully you make this and how delicious they were and blah..blah..blah.." he said still eating.

"Ohh is it..." i blushed and he looked at me narrowing his eyes but smiling at the same time.

"What?" i asked nervously.

"You really like him don't you?" he asked. This was unexpected. Should i tell him?...

"Umm..yes.." i said shrugging.

"No need to be shy Elena. You  are beautiful. Bryan is perfect for you." he said with so much confidence that i started imaginging Bryan and me together.

"Day dreaming already huh?" he took me out of my thoughts.

" like that." i said looking away. He laughed so hard that his voice was echoing in my shop.

"I am done..thanks for this Sweety."

"Hey no need to thank and what's with the new nick name huh?" i asked him collecting the stuff in front of me. I went towards the trashcan.

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