Chapter 15

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"Ouch!!.Shitt...Elena!!!.." Bryan shouted as i looked shocked at him and his now wounded head.

"Freak.... You scared the hell out of me Bryan.." i shouted terrified at the situation.

"What?? hit me with this!...a clock...didn't you find anything else? Have some mercy on this poor guy sweetheart." he shrugged irritated. I didn't notice that was an antique clock. That's the reason it was heavy. Suddenly i started laughing on the situation. This was indeed a funny situation.

"Ohh comeon stop laughing at this poor man now." he said frustrated.

"Come in then.." i said still laughing.

I stepped back from the window and he came in as easily as always. I looked at him and gave a hug which he seemed to be waiting for long. He pushed me into his solid torso and sniffed my hair.

"I missed you." he whispered.

" too." i replied. That was enough for us to cuddle and begin our unstoppable kissing sessions.

"" he said still kissing me.

I smiled breaking our kiss and nodded.

We were on bed lying in each others arms. I noticed his head to find if any damages but nothing... Hmm..healing power of his wolf i guess.. Suddenly i remembered that i have to be still mad at him.

" did i forget i am still mad at you for hiding things from me."

"Oops...back to there?..." he said kidding. I gave him a flat look.

"Elena, please i promise i would tell you at the right time." he looked at me honestly. I sighed.

"Okay.." i said. Letting out a yawn as i remembered it's midnight.

"Let's sleep now." he said and pulled me into his embrace. I slept soon peacefully.


I got up as my alarm went off, irritated i switched it off when i remembered the incidence of last night.. I looked around but Bryan wasn't there. I got up looking around.

I went towards the bathroom and looked around but no signs of him. Maybe he returned home.

I got ready, all set for work, Ari seemed to have overslept today i checked she was still in bed. I thought not to disturb her.

I went out of the door and was about to go towards my car when i heard a horn. I looked at the direction of the horn and saw it was Bryan in his car. I smiled at him and went towards his car.

"Where were you?..You didn't even tell me that you left." i said as he opened the passenger door for me and started the car.

"I am sorry. I had some urgent work and i thought it was a bad idea to wake you up." he said driving.

"Okay..where are we going?" i asked.

"Where do you want to go?" he asked smirking.


"That's where we are going then.." he grinned.

" don't know where..."

"I know think i couldn't find out that?"

"Such a stalker!" i said in disbelief adding a dramatic tone..

"Such an actor!!.." he said mimicking my actions. We laughed and started our journey.

After some time we reached our destination. He parked the car in front of my shop and followed me in.

"Morning Elen..." Suzie stopped with her mouth open staring at the god handsome man beside me. I rolled my eyes.

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