Chapter 24

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"My son Charlie...was the strongest of the wolf in the world. i was very proud of him. My other son Tinan whom you met earlier is also a good fighter. He is currently with us in the council. Charlie was also a member of council. Once i sent him for a task, he met Eva there. They were on the same mission, and ultimately fell in love. She was indeed beautiful, i must say you look a lot like her. She was like a daughter to me, very kind and caring. I accepted them and they got married. She was a hunter a very smart one. Her parents were no longer alive but she was strong enough to fight for herself. With the help of her uncle she moulded herself into a strong and shrewd hunter. After the marriage, they both were considered as the strongest of all. They were mates, that was destined, just that they fell in love before they knew they were mates. It's rare to find such couples. One wolf and the other hunter. After marriage, Eva got pregnant. She delivered a baby boy. They named him Almus. He is a strong young man now. He is a wolf."

Ohh now i have a brother too?

Arnold nodded answering my unspoken question.

"Almus was two, when your mother got pregnant again. She was five months pregnant when a pack of rogues attacked the council. She was strong enough to fight in her state but we didn't want to risk her life so we didn't allow her to participate in the fight. We all went to the war instead. We kept Almus with her while we were out. Just when we were about to win, i saw Charlie running towards the house. I followed him just to see that one of the rogues had hurt Almus while, Charlie was fighting with the rogue. I joined him and killed the rogue, but the last thing we noticed was that he was trying to kill Eva. He was continuously going for her even when we were in fight. She had a fight with him even before Charlie arrived. She had broken her wrist but her baby was safe. That was when we knew that the second child was not a normal one. She was a hunter with qualities of a wolf. It was unique, one of a kind, and could have been dangerous for the rogues. That was why they were trying to kill your mother. Your father decided to move out of the palace. It wasn't safe for them to stay here.

They decided to move out keeping their destination as a secret. Only i knew where they were. I insisted them not to shift but my son was a stubborn man. Nothing mattered more than his family's safety. Fearing that someone will try to attack them again, he kept Almus here with us. He stayed at a place where he thought they will be safe. Visiting us every possible time they could, he used to meet me secretly. Then his second child was born, a baby girl, who was borned with invisible power. She was a hunter with quality of a wolf in a human skin. They kept this all a secret. Just i knew about it  and kept track. It was four years that they stayed like this when a pack of rogues attacked them out of nowhere. They killed them all but suspected that they would come back, so they moved back here for a while. Once they were sure about their safety they went back but decided to keep the child safe. That child was you Elena.

Though you were just a human at first, and were not going to change till the proper age, we had to keep you as a secret, and being a human you were to be protected, so your parents gave you a potion which is a liquid that hides your scent. Life was normal, they both were still working and were even sent on missions. You were kept under the strict supervision of James."

"James? in Uncle James?" that was a news. He nodded.

"He is one of our trusted servant. One day when your parents were sent on a very important mission with the Grey Moon pack. Their Alpha Lawrence and your parents lost their lives unfortunately. It was our fault, we couldn't send enough people to save them. I still haven't figured how the three of them my most powerful people were killed." he said shaking his head probably regretting.  I sighed closing my eyes.

"I am sorry Elena, it was a bad time. We had to make story so that you can believe. You were broken but James assured us that he would keep you safe. We sent Arina to guard you. She is the daughter of my good friend Jake. Almus insisted us that time to make you stay with us, but that was not possible. It would have created suspicion. Your safety was important for us.

As the years passed, we were waiting for you to change, but we were getting anxious that you didn't. Ultimately we came to a conclusion that you wouldn't change ever. For numerous reasons, maybe because of the potion we provided you. That's the reason, we agreed for your marriage with Luke. That boy was hardly away from you. We kept an eye on him since the day you two knew each other. James assured us that he is safe. As much as i wanted to be there on your wedding day i couldn't.. I learnt about the incident and what hapenned after. I know Demon and Bryan very well and i was happy that you were in safe hands. Though, i was very surprised when i came to know about you..that you have finally changed." he said pausing.

"Elena...welcome back to the family." he said standing and opening his arms.

I felt as if the world has changed. Few minutes  before i was an orphan, and now i have a family.. this all is so new but i have always wanted my people. I looked at Arnold, my grandpa, tears filling my vision. I need some comfort, i need my family..i went to him and hugged him. Crying my heart out. That moment i felt like a big weight has been pulled off from my shoulders. I got all the answers i needed.

"Shh..Elena dear..i know this all is too much for you. Are you okay?" grandpa asked concerned.

I nodded and smiled at him. He had the same smile as my dad's, for the first time today i observed his face. He was an authority, but with me for the past few moments, he was grandpa.

"Now that i have my grand daughter with me i don't have to worry right? You can stay here as long as you want. I would suggest  you stay here from now on." he asked rather suggested.

"Grandpa, this all is just too much for me. I will think about it. Besides, i am staying with Bryan."

"Ohh yes that boy..Does he treat you well? I am going to give him an earfull of some matters."

"Ohh grand, that's not needed. He is really nice and he loves me." i said blushing.

"Ahh..that's a nice thing to hear. My grand daughter has finally been mated." he said grinning. I nodded blushing.

"Comeon, let me introduce you to everyone." he said giving a side hug.

He opened the door and there stood Bryan. Ohh i almost forgot he was waiting for me.

"You were still here all this time?" Grandpa asked him.

"Yes master, i told Elena i would be waiting for her." Bryan replied and looked at me concerned. I gave him an assuring smile.

"This man is really fallen for you." Grandpa said winking at me. I was surprised to see his this side while Bryan looked at me confused.

"Okay..let's introduce my grand daughter to her family." he announced and Bryan looked at me shocked and mouthed 

'Grand daughter?'

I nodded and smiled replying..I'll tell you later.  He nodded and took my hand as we followed grandpa.

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