Chapter 34

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After three days..

Elena's POV:-

It's dark everywhere, but i see a light, it's HOPE that is making me feel better. I don't know how many days have passed. I feel weak, i can't bring myself to open my eyes. I can feel murmers, i can feel him, he hasn't left me and i am happy he is here. I have to wake up for him. We have a lot to do. But, damn, this sleep, i just can't get enough of it.

"Elena, please wake up. I can't hold on anymore."

I heard Bryan whispering. I know he must be suffering a lot to see me like this. I have to wake up, i have to for him.  I tried moving my hand and luckily it moved. He interlinked our fingers  instantly, i smiled feeling his touch, trying to open my eyes, i peeked scrunching them close due to light.

"I will close the windows." he said and left me. In a moment he was back.

"Try now." he said. I tried again this time opening an eye and then other. I looked at him and smiled. He was really looking bad, with all messy and disheaved look.

"I was worried for you." he said kissing me softly.

"I am fine, just very sleepy and exhausted and thirsty." i murmered in raspy voice feeliing my throat dry. He filled a glass of water  and made me drink it.

"It's because of all the power you used. Atleast now you are awake." he said sighing. I nodded.

"How is everything? Grandpa?" i asked concerned.

"All are fine. You just take rest for now. I am here. We will talk about it once you feel good."

I nodded and looked at him.

"You should rest too." i told him. He nodded and climbed up on the same bed and pulled me towards him. I giggled knowing that he will be sleeping with me.

"What? I am not going to leave you okay?"

"Yeah yeah." i said rolling my eyes. He kissed my forehead and murmered something which sounded like 'sleep my love' but i was too dizzy to hear as sleep engulfed me again.


I opened my eyes to see it was dark in the room, but i could feel Bryan's presence. I felt a hand moving to my waist and i know it was him. I turned to look at him still sleepy. I wasn't feeling anything like before. It seems i was okay, so i decided to let him sleep as i woke up. I definitely stink, i peeked at the wall clock to see that it was just 4 a.m., but i didn't feel like sleeping anymore. I was too awake to even lie down and way too hungry. I decided to let Bryan sleep, so i moved out of the bed slowly and headed for shower.

Jeez my legs were like Jell-O.
Thank god he was asleep. I laughed inwardly.

After a good long shower, i peeked in our room only to see Bryan still sleeping. I changed and headed downstairs towards the kitchen. I knew everyone was asleep so didn't bother to wake up anyone as i lightly walked my way. As i walked i peeked through the windows to see that our front yard which was a battle ground few days back was now cleared and everything looked on it's place. I sighed thinking about how everything happened. Lot of things had to be discovered. I wonder where were Fiona and Alano. I turned and tumbled to a hard chest. The person though gripped my shoulders instantly. I looked up to see Almus looking at me concerned.

"Elena, what are you doing here at this time?"

I looked at him suddenly noticing that he wasn't there in the war. He was sent to a south to investigate about Uncle Joe. I could feel him pissed, hurt, worried all at once. I didn't know how to react so i hugged him, I did miss him.

"I am so sorry." he whispered hugging me.

"Almus, you know it's not your fault. When did you come back?"

"Just when the fight was over. I saw you unconsious in Bryan's arms. I swear my heartbeat stopped that moment. Why did i leave? I am so sorry sis, i am so sorry. I shouldn't have left you, i should have protected you." he said sobbing. My heart broke knowing how much he loved me. I pulled away a bit but still holding him,

"Please don't cry Almus. You are everything to me you know that. I can't see you like this, and don't forget Bryan and Grandpa was there."

He nodded looking at me. He caressed my cheek before kissing my forehead.

"I love you so much. I can't afford to lose you."

"I know, the feelings are mutual, and you know that. I love you too, a lot."

He smiled at me but frowned again.

"Why are you here again?"

"Well, i am fine now, and feeling absolutely normal. I was hungry and was heading for kitchen. But what are you doing here?" i shrugged. He smiled.

"I was going to your room to check up on you."


"I was worried." he said scraping the back of his head. "Umm..let's get you something to eat." he said holding my hand and we went towards kitchen.

Thanks to him i just had to sit and watch him move. Ofcourse he knew everything as he had been here since he was child unlike me. He was very caring and i was happy to have him in my life. He made me some pancakes which were surprisingly tasty and even made me my favourite tea. I couldn't help but tease him on all the kitchen knowledge he had, but he simply shrugged saying it was the basic thing since he was close to Aunt Diana and she is an expert in cooking. I nodded suddenly missing mom and all the fun we could have done if she was alive. But, it was past and some past are better not to be recounted.

"Elena." i looked at him to see he watching me worried.


"You love Bryan right?"

I smiled at him and nodded.

"I am sure he will keep you happy. I have seen him these days, i am proud that you both are mates. He will keep you safe."

"I know." I nodded smiling as Bryan's face popped in my mind.

"Can i be your bestman in the wedding?"

I looked at him like he is someone stupid.

"Are you kidding me? Ofcourse you are my bestman! I want you with me while i walk to the altar."

"Thank you." He grinned and hugged me.

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