Chapter 5

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Bryan's POV:

I need to know about her...I need to know what happened with her. She is showing that she is strong but I can see the sorrow in her eyes. Besides, I need to tell her about my real world ...she must know..but what if she leaves me???... No..I can't let that happen.

"We need to talk."


"Everything." I said raising an eyebrow.

She looked nervous but nodded.

I went towards her and holded her hand. I know she must be feeling awkward but I can't stay away from her touch. I took her to my room and closed the door.

She looked at me confused..

"This is my room...please be comfortable. I felt this place would be safe for us" I explained and she sat on the corner of my bed.

"What are we going to talk? I don't even know you." she stated.

"Well let me introduce myself, I am Bryan Grey. I'll tell you about myself in detail but before that why don't we start with you?" I suggested.

Her look changed. She seemed unhappy.

"Elena...i am not's just that...I really want to know about you. I saw you near the river. You looked so depressed...and you were in the white dress with flowers in hand...I just couldn't see you lying unconscious there. This place my home was the only safe house I could think of."

"It was my wedding dress.." she said in whisper. A lump formed in my throat..

Wedding?? It was her wedding? No...I can't let anyone have her. She is mine..just mine.

"Yesterday was my wedding, but my fiance didn't reach the church and all we got is the news that he died in a road accident." she said mourning silently.

That's bad...though that must have been destined..she is my mate, she couldn't belong to anyone else.

I went towards her and took her hand in mine.

"It's okay...I understand." I said to her. She looked at me and nodded. I handed her a tissue.

"So, did you love him?...I mean that boy whom you were marrying?" I asked her.

She looked deep in thoughs. Please say no...I pleaded in mind.

"Yes.." she said and I almost felt like a knife has stabbed my heart.

" a bestfriend. Luke was close to me. We were inseperable, we have ..had known each other forever. He knew everything about me. He loved me. That's the reason I thought I could spend my life with him happily. My parents died when I was fifteen. I stayed alone with my friend Arina. She had accompanied me after my parents death. She stayed as my paying guest but she's my only family."

I felt so relieved.

"I need to get back Bryan. I need to go home. I need to attend Luke's funeral. He was my best friend and would have been my husband. They all must be worried for me." she said concerned.

"Don't worry about that.." I snapped at her.

No way I am going to let her go anywhere from here.

She looked stunned.

Shit!!! Why can't I damn control my freaking behavior around here.

"I'm sorry...we will think about it. Till then why don't you call your friend and assure her about your safety." I suggested handling her my phone. She nodded and dialled a number. She went towards the window and stood there while I was still sitting on my bed.


"Yes..yeah..don't worry..I am" she looked at me raising an eyebrow.

"..umm..I'm at a friend's house.....yeah..don't worry..I am fine. Ohh.. yes i understand. When is the funeral?"

"Okay..yeah I will be there. NO..I am fine. This is a friend's number. I'll call you later if possible. too take care. I will see you soon." she said and ended the call. She handed me my phone.

"Feeling better?" I asked. She nodded giving a weak smile.

"They have arranged his funeral tomorrow morning. I want to go." she said.

"Okay.." I said .."but you are not going alone. I will send someone with you."

"That's not needed, You all have done so much for me already, I will be fine. I'll get back to my home today evening."

"You are NOT going anywhere!!" I said firmly.

She looked at me confused.

"Why not? I can't stay here. You people have done a lot for me. I am forever in your debt...but no more.. I can't stay here. I go talk to Sue." she said and started leaving. I grabbed hold of her hand.

"Elena...stop it!!" I said frustrated.

How should I explain her? can I make her stay?

"You need to know about us."

"Well...yeah..I mean you all are not normal people I guessed...but it's fine. I have nothing to do with it right? and you don't have to tell me anything. I think the less I know the better."

"How can you say that? Ofcourse you have everything to do with it. You were destined to be here in this house..and..and with me." I said going towards her.

She froze and looked at me.

"What? How can you say that? I don't even know who you are." she whispered irritated.


That's it! I pulled her towards me and slid my hand on her waist while putting other hand on her back pushing her towards me and kissed her.

It felt like was bliss..she froze but I grabbed her tight...there was no escape now. I kissed her lips and bit her lower lip, she moaned and opened her mouth giving me full access..I kissed her passionately. I felt sparks running throughout my body. I couldn't control myself. Her sweet taste was making me crazy. I couldn't stop but I have to. I have to stop...slowly I broke the kiss leaving her free.

We both were breathless grasping the edges of what just happened.

"Whoa!! How could you? What was this?" she said after few moments still panting and confused.

"Did you feel it?" I asked running my fingertips on her cheeks. She closed her eyes and nodded.

"What is this?" she asked.

"Elena...we are Mates sweetheart." 

I hugged her knowing my heart was about to explode but I did hear her gasp before she melted in my embrace.


Whoa!!! Finallyy...the answer is out...all this feelings they both are experiencing have a reason..but what will be the consequences? How will Bryan make Elena realise that this world exist. Keep reading to find out.


Urs Soniya ;)

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