Chapter 14

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Bryan...oh no..!

Who the hell is she?

"Keep the change.." she said sending a smirk towards me and went away. I saw a car immediately halted in front of the entry and she got in it and went away.

"What. Was. That. All. About?" Suzie said equally irritated.

I shrugged and went back to the kitchen handing over the cash to Suzie, who didn't ask me anything looking at my mood. I decided not to bother myself about whatever this weird encounter was. I got back to work. Evening came swiftly as there were lot of customers today. My business was blooming which gave me satisfaction at the end of the day.

I drove back home thinking about the weird encounter..Who was she? and she knew Bryan. She asked me to stay away from him...actually she didn't ask...from her tone it looked more of an order..who is she to tell me what to do with whom..

I parked my car in garage and went to my house. Unlocking the door, i went inside and towards the kitchen. I saw there was a note for me.

'Hey Elle..

I have taken leave today from work. Have some work in city. Will return late night.

Don't wait for me.. and BE SAFE!!! Avoid any more wolves ;)


Ari. '

I rolled my eyes reading the note.. "Yes MOM" i replied to the letter.

Again alone...i sighed looking at the clock. Then it clicked me, maybe Bryan would have come here earlier. I must see, i went to my room and looked around for any signs. Nothing...i went towards the window and looked around.. still nothing.

Where is he? I took out my phone and scrolled down once i found his number i pressed call..

The ring was going, i waited impatiently tapping my foot.

"Hello?" a familiar voice spoke.

" this Sue?" i asked.

"Hi. are you?" she asked cheerfully.

"Sue..i am good. about you?"

"I'm good dear."

" Bryan there?" i asked unsure of asking her.

"Ohh..Bryan is out for some work dear. I have Demon and Bryan's phones with me." she explained.

"Umm.okay..can you let him know that i called?"

"Sure dear. Do come to visit me. You know you are always welcome here."

"Yeah..thanks Sue. Bye."

"Bye dear. take care." she said and i ended the call. It was so nice to hear her voice. I miss her..i will surely pay her a visit in coming days.

He is not at home, what am i supposed to do alone. I looked around and saw my bookshelf at the corner. I selected a random book for today and started reading lying on the bed.

I was so busy reading, that i didn't notice time. It was night and i haven't prepared anything for dinner. I felt  hungry as my stomach grumbled. I decided to make a sandwich, that would be enough for now.

After about half an hour i was ready to go to bed. I returned to my room and saw my window was closed. Did i close it? i thought remembering my previous acts. No i didn't. I looked at the window bit scared. Who could it be? I looked around and checked my room and bathroom there was no one there. I decided to close the window as i didn't expect him to come here tonight. I was sound asleep within few minutes. The girl's face came in front of my eyes..

Stay away from him...stay away from him.....

After few hours...

I jolted from the weird dream i was seeing..I heard some sound..which made me wake up...looking around, everything seemed to be normal. Then i heard something again. I looked at my window...someone was throwing stones on it. What the hell!!.. I got out of the bed and took whatever heavy thing came in my hand through the mild bedside lamp..and stepped slowly towards the window all ready to attack if something pounds on me....i opened the window slowly and peeked out of it..all ready to throw the thing on that person. I looked down and stopped throwing that thing but it slipped from my hand as it fell and landed straight over his head..

"!!" i squeaked in horror...



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