Chapter 32

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Love seemed like a whole new thing after the day he proposed me. We are so in love that there is hardly any moment we are apart and without finding excuses to touch each other. It's heaven for us in our small world which is here at the moment.

I smiled my cheeks turning red at the looks Bryan was giving me since the past fifteen minutes. We are having a family dinner with everyone here from my family. Past days have been slow, as if the ones who were attacking were vanished in air. There was complete silence, no more trespassing the property, no threats, no more killings. Grandpa still hasn't got any news about Uncle Joe, but he has sent some people in search of him. The mystery is getting stronger. I haven't got any dreams past two days like the same ones.

This silence was unnerving though, something is wrong, i could feel it, but grandpa and Bryan kept on assuring me that they are alert if anything happens.

I haven't told Bryan about the plan i and grandpa had made that night. It's better if we keep it secret.

After dinner, we went straight to our room.

"How is my fiance?" Bryan asked holding me from back.

"Well, i am good. Actually very Happy, because my mate is going to be my husband soon."

He smiled and gave me a small peck.

"I could see those invisible worry lines on your face Elena."

I looked at him and nodded.

"I just don't know, why i have this bad feeling." i told him finally.

"Don't worry we will be fine. I won't let anything happen to you. I promise."

"I know. I love you." i hugged him hard.

"Me too baby." he replied snbuggling into me.


After few weeks..

Everything seemed normal. There were no threats, Demon and Elena went back to the pack a week earlier to take care of some pack work. Grandpa is trying to figure out few things so he keeps himself buried in his office. My training was completed and i am as good as a professional fighter now. That's what finally Demon said to me and i know it's worth. He is a tough guy to take out compliments from when it comes to training. Bryan well, is Bryan just a way too loving and a way too possesive.

"Elena, i want to see you and Bryan in my office after lunch."

Grandpa said while having breakfast. I nodded and reminded myself to tell this message to Bryan.

"Any specific reason?"

"Well, we have a visitor, who will be here at that time. He has some information about Joe."

The mention of his name made me stop at what i was doing. I looked at him only to notice he was thinking about something very hard. This definitely is not a good news.

"Okay." i replied but didn't insist on further information.

I know he is been stressed lately but this news had me curious on what was going to happen. I had this feeling about this silence which was deafening since past few days. Even though the people around me had let their guards down, they were attentive to what was happening around.

After breakfast i decided to head to the gym where Bryan was already working out. I never know what is the need for him, he is a warewolf for god's sake. As i entered the gym, i saw Bryan working out on a punching bag. Although i knew he must have smelt me, i went towards him to surprise him when i hold him from behind, but before i could touch him, he turned and picked me up bridal style. I let out a squeal and sighed knowing i couldn't implement my plan, but eventually chuckled as he started kissing me everywhere on face.

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