Chapter 18

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"Elena...Elena...wake up.."

i heard Bryan calling me..

"Bryan..?" i opened my eyes and saw Bryan leaning over me on my bed.


"What time is it?"

"2 a.m."

"What are you doing here at this time..?" i asked him confused.

"I thought i would meet you in morning but..I was missing you so came now." he said shrugging. My heart fluttered with so much joy. He missed me..Ohh..i missed him too..

I got up and hugged him, while still seating on my bed. "I missed you too." i said enjoying his warm embrace. Soon we were kissing each other. He lied beside me and we drifted to sleep.

After few hours...

"Good Morning.." Bryan wished me entering the kitchen. I woke up and saw that Bryan was still asleep so i decided to make him some breakfast. After a lot of thinking i decided to prepare pancakes and bacons.

"Morning. Did you sleep well?" i asked noticing his bare body. He was just wearing his yesterday's jeans. I don't even remember when he took off his shirt.

"Hmm..i always sleep well with you." he said hugging me from back and trailing kisses on my neck.

I blushed remembering the previous night when we slept in each other's arms.

"Bryan..stop it..i am working..." i said feeling shy with our closeness.

"Good Morning Love birds." Ari greeted entering. I pushed him away instantly and blushed. Jeez i hope she didn't saw us..

"Ofcourse she did..Good Morning sister-in-law." Bryan wished back smirking at me and teasing her. Arina stopped in tracks and her face turned red.

"Sister in law?" she asked.

" will be soon." he said sending her a wink.

I let out a laugh. It was a sight to see her blushing till her face went red.

"Okay..enough now...Comeon have some breakfast." i told both of them.

" famished." Bryan said taking a seat on the table.

I served them and joined tasting my food.

"This is delicious." Bryan said.

"Yeah..really as usual Elle." Arina added. I smiled and thanked them.

"So...what are your plans today?" i asked Arina.

"I am going to school now. Then later, have some plans with Demon." Arina was a school teacher at a primary school in the city. She loved kids. No wonder, her behaviour is always kind.

"What about you?" she asked.

"Well..I am working and i was thinking to visit Bryan's mother today."

"Is it? I will take you after work then. We will have dinner at my house." Bryan announced.

"Okay." i said excited about our trip later.

The day was extremely slow with lot of work. Bryan dropped me and assured to personally pick me up in evening on time. I was irritated with the interrogations by Suzie the whole day. She was suspecting that Bryan and i have a thing. Which was true but i wasn't ready to disclose it to her yet. Shawn was exceptionally quiet today. I thought of asking him about it later. I was waiting for Bryan when i got a call from him.

"Are you ready?" he asked me.


"Come outside. I am waiting in my car."


I was approaching the door when an unexpected guest came inside. It was none other than Megan, that stupid ex of Bryan. How didn't Bryan saw her entering?

"What do you want?" i asked straight away..i can't stand her in front of me now..the last time i saw her she was all over my Bryan. I would have punched her right there but it was Bryan who reacted first.

"I told you to stay away from him." she sneered at me.

"Who are you to tell me that..STAY.AWAY.FROM.HIM?"

"The nerve you have to ask me that. You don't know who i am. I will make you dissapear in the air in a click." she said snapping her fingers in front of my eyes.

"Whatever." i said rolling my eyes in her failed attempt to frighten me.

"You..." she approached me and raised her hand to slap me but i stopped her hand instantly and gave her a tight slap in return. I was feeling so furious. Heat was erupting from me. I don't know from where this temper came but i just wanted to kill her this instant. I felt so powerful and i would thrash her down if she says one more thing. I launched myself to pick her up from the floor and kick her once again..She must be regretting now..HUH!!

I was about to pick her up when.."ELENA!!" Bryan called. I was snapped out of my rage and looked at him unknown of what just happened. He was beside me in an instant observing if any harm.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

"Yes.." i whispered still confused at my outburst. We looked at Megan who was still on floor. We could see the fingerprints tatooed on her cheeks.

"What the f*** Megan? I told you to stay away from her." Bryan said getting angry.

"You two will pay for this." she said finally standing up and went out of my shop. I let out my breath which i didn't knew i was holding for so long and sighed. Bryan hugged me protectively.

"Did you kicked her down?" Bryan asked looking surprised.

"Yes i did.." i said proudly "but don't know how that energy came within me. I was so mad at her."
His smile disspeared when i said that and he started examining me. Touching my forehead, my neck. I looked at him confused but i started feeling weak suddenly.

"Do you have fever?" he asked looking at me.

"Don't know..but i am feeling bit warm."

"Let's go." he said dragging me out of the shop. We were on the road towards his house.

"Will you please slow down. You are scaring me." i told him to disturb the silence which was there between us.

"We need to get you home as soon as possible." he said.

"Why the hurry? What's wrong with me?" i asked confused.

"You have fever..don't you?" Ohh yes..I didn't notice that, i was too busy watching him.

"Yeah..I will be fine..Don't worry. Must be some flu." i assured him..but at the same time my head was getting heavy and the pain was increasing. I touched my forehead and rubbed it soothingly.

"What''s wrong? Are you feeling dizzy?"

"Hmm..just this headache but how do you know?" instead of answering my question he increased the speed of his car. Something is wrong..definitely..but my's paining so much.

Till the time we reached my head was throbbing with pain.

"Bryan..this is getting worse now." i said wincing. He looked at me concerned and got out of the car. Once he was on my side of the door. He opened it and picked me up. He went inside his house and called Sue..


I was feeling so weak by now, i thought i would faint this instant.. Ohh vision was blurring...

"Ohh god...Bryan..What's wrong with her?" i heard Sue's voice but before i could see her i fainted.


Ohh.ohh...What a twist !! What is happening to her? Any guesses? will find out soon... Keep reading to find and don't forget to..



Urs Soniya

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