Chapter 11

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We were strolling in the house..There was one bedroom beside the study, and three more room on the first floor. Bryan showed me his room which was calming as the house itself. I went inside and saw there was a king size bed, a study table and a wardrobe, attached to the room was a balcony. I moved towards it. As i entered i saw the balcony was big. It had a swing which can sit two at a time comfortably while there was a coffee table and two chairs. I looked across the scenery in front of my eyes. It was breathtaking. Bryan's room was on the backside of the house. It faced the backyard, which was full of beautiful flowers. There was a pathway leading to a sitting arrangement where there were chairs with a coffee table. But what i liked the most was the river across. There was a river with white ducks swimming in it. The breeze was so warm and welcoming with an aroma of flowers lying underneath. No doubt, Bryan likes it here.

"Bryan..this is really wonderful." i said looking at him. He was standing beside me watching the view in front of us.

"I know, that's the reason i like this house much more." he said enjoying the warm afternoon breeze. Bryan went towards the swing and sat on it. How little have i known about him..i decided to ask him about his life.

"Bryan, i want to know about you."

"What do you want to know?" he asked amused at my sudden question.

"Everything?" i said shrugging.

"Hmm..There's nothing much to know about me. I think you know me much more than other people who know me for so much of time."

"Still...umm tell me how was your childhood?"

He laughed on it.

"You won't believe me.." he said.

"Why so?"

"I was very naughty when i was a kid. My dad's most favourite among all of us. I was the second child, but most liked by all the elder people. That's the reason i was too mischeiveous."

"What do you mean by second child?'s just you and demon right?"

He looked deep in thoughts...

"No...we are in all four siblings. Demon, Charlie, Me and i have one more sister Lia."

Ohh..that's something new.

"Then where are Charlie and Lia now?"

"Charlie is no more." he said sadly.

"I'm sorry...what happened to him?"

"It was all my fault. One evening i insisted him to take me to a stroll around forest. My wolf wasn't developed then, I was just a kid around twelve years of age. He took me to the forest and we crossed our border unknowingly. It was like a wrong time, rougues seemed like waiting for us to attack. They were four, and we just two, i was a kid. Charlie fought to save my life. Our pack members came but it was too late. He fought bravely but couldn't survive the strong attack from one of the rougue. Dad arrived there soon and all the rougues were killed, but we couldn't help Charlie. He was very badly injured. He was treated for months, still no recovery...and one day he just left us. Living me forever in his debt.. That was the time i started hating myself...I was the reason for the pain caused to my family members." he said closing his eyes.

I went towards him and caressed his shoulder.

"It's fine..I am sorry to hear that but that's not your were just a kid." i said.

"I know but i was very much affected by that event. Once i found my inner wolf and started changing. The guilt within me was transforming me into another person. I was indistinct with everyone. I was rude with all, you can say a bad boy. My father tried to control me, but i was out of control. Mom was worried. I was a playboy in high school. Dad didn't like my behaviour. But it was a way to keep those memories which haunted me day-night for soo many years. The guilt, which i was feeling was provoking me to do all the bad things."

"It's hard to believe, i mean now looking at are complete opposite of what you are saying." how can he change so much after that?

" father died during a war. He was tricked and murdered. I won't ever forgive those rougues who did it. I'm still finding them." he said angrily.

"How did he die?..." i asked curiously.

"My dad, Lawrence Grey was a very humble person. He was the strongest Alpha, but at the same time calm and very caring towards his pack. His nature earned him many good friends across our species. One day he was on a mission by a council. He was with two other people who were hunters." he stopped thinking about it.

"Who are the hunters?" i asked curiously.

"Hunters are one of the special kinds. They are powerful and are appointed by the council. They are specifically trained and have some qualities of a wolf. They can take down a wolf easily. They are most respected people because they support the good ones of us and destroy the bad one's like rougues. Council is our apex body. They control us. They have formed rules which we have to follow."

"Ohh i see. So what happened with them?"

"They all were on a mission. I remember they stayed with us for a night. The most amazing and kind couple i have ever known. I liked them instantly. Next day they all were on a mission, and the group of rougues pack attacked them. In that fight, Dad was attacked, both the hunters were injured badly...Dad was been attacked by many wolves. The lady hunter went to help Dad and her husband followed her. They both got killed while saving dad. While dad also lost his life fighting like a warrior. The one who killed them is still hiding and is alive as he ran away, while other rougues got killed, we are still finding him the one who ran away. It was a bad time and very tough time for all of us. I was disturbed, by the sudden news.. Demon took over as the Alpha, he was trained by dad. I stayed in my room for a month not speaking to anybody, mom was by my side the whole time. Actually, i should have supported her but she was the one to know her son better than anyone else. I decided to make my Dad's dreams true. He wanted me to be a good warrior and the strongest wolf who could protect his family and pack." he said sighing.

"Your dad and those hunters seemed very nice. I hope i could have seen them."

There are very less people in this world who doesn't care for their life and sacrifice for others.

"I wish that too." he said smiling at something, probably remebering them.



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