Chapter 31

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I was overwhelmed, almost everyone from my family met me and cared for me. Though it was just a day after i became consious. I was happy to have this family with me. Grandpa hadn't told anyone yet about my power, but Bryan said i have to recover fast so i could develop my power and skills. He says there are more cases of trespassing recently. Grandpa had ordered, Demon and Arina to stay here till then, Sue is incharge of the pack there, but i am worried, if she would be able to handle it.. Though, Bryan has assured me many times that it won't happen, he said that she is their mother, and she has handled the pack in the absence of their father too. That was the assurance i needed. She was after all like my mother and i won't bear losing her.

Meantime, i had decided i would do some research. As i met each of the family members i asked them about everything that needed to be known to me. It helped to know about them, about Uncle Joe, about their specialities.

A day after, when i woke up, i had this feeling that nothing had happened to me ever. I was happy being back to normal, and the first thing i did in morning was to wake Bryan and make love to him. He was surprised but happy that i was fine. We met Grandpa later and i insisted in starting the training as soon as possible. Now that, the threat and the signs of upcoming war were getting more strong, i had to make myself ready to fight. Though it was my first, the amount of effort put by Demon and Bryan as well as Arina were making me do the best. At the end of the trainng sessions i would feel Demon and Arina sighing, and i laughed on them, knowing that they were just releived that i have not hurt any of them again. I was getting used to control my power, i had known once i was at the peak of any emotion, i would release a power on a person who will be lost and lifeless unless i touch him. It could be risky as told by Bryan, he said going through Demos experience, Demon felt like his life had been pulled away, if i wouldnt have touched him on time he could have lost it. I have apologized to him and Arina over and over again, but as good friends would do, they said it wasn't my fault.. Demon was so good at training me, all he wanted was me being the best fighter.

It was early morning, when i heard, some noises outside the window. I held up my guards and went towards it. I saw Bryan and Demon fighting. They were looking messy and furious. I panicked and left the room,. Running downstairs and out of the door. My speed has increased which made me reach there in mere seconds. I stopped and called there names, but they weren't stopping. I don't knw what came over me but suddenly i punched the ground and saw a crack pass though it towards them. They immediately got back and looked at the ground as the ground shuddered as if there was lightening from the ground as exactly as it happens in the sky. I jolted back, but noticed another of my ability. I looked at them as they looked at me wide eyed. I scowled at them and went forward.

"What the hell are you two doing?"

They just looked at me dumbstruck.

Their faces were filled with red marks obviously because they hit each other. I looked at Demon, who suddenly grinned at me. I narrowed my eyes on him.

"Bryan are you sure you are going to keep her for lifetime? I don't want any damage on the pack house or the property either." Demon stated chuckling. I rolled my eyes knowing he was kidding. Bryan just gave him a look which clearly stated Fuck You!

"We were just practicing." Demon said explaining.

"In your human form?"

They both nodded in unison.

"but i heard some noises."

"It was our wolf's, we were practicing  in our wolf form earlier."

"I told you we should have chosen a better place." Bryan scolded his brother.

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