Chapter 35

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I stepped in my room and saw Bryan still in bed staring at the ceiling. As i entered he looked at me and smiled.

"Where were you? I was worried."

"I was starving so just went to the kitchen and Almus was with me the whole time."

"He was worried for you. The guilt of not being with you during the war was eating him up, also because he couldn't hurt Joe himself for killing his parents."

"I know, but it wasn't his fault."

"Yeah. Um..what's that?"

I looked in my hands, i almost forgot i brought him breakfast.

"I thought you could have breakfast and tea in bed."

He smiled getting up as i approached him.

"Shouldn't I be doing that for you? I remember few hours back you were the one sleeping on this bed." he teased. I rolled my eyes and gave him a peck.

"I am getting use to this. Me serving you bed tea, isn't that what wives do with their husbands?" i winked.

"Well, i could think of many other things that wife can do to her husband."

I looked at him wide eyed and slapped him on his chest, he roared in laughter clutching me tighter.

It felt like eternity to make love to him after so much we have gone through.

After about an hour, i showered again with him ofcourse and we decided to go to Grandpa and know about the pending answers.

A small meeting had been called by Grandpa who was fine now, given the healing power of a wolf. he wanted us all there, when Alano and Fiona would tell us the truth.

I was nervous knowing that i would have answers but something wouldn't want me to hear all of that. For me it was over with Joe. Bryan insisted that i should go which i agreed then.

As we entered Grandpa's office, i saw everyone was there, they turned to look at me as i entered and immediately i was surrounded by hugs and kisses by my family. Arina was the first to launch herself on me into a big bone crushing hug, backed by Demon. I was happy to see everyone was fine and back to their self.

I looked at Grandpa's seat as he was standing near it. I approached him and hugged knowing if he was okay. He seemed relieved once he saw me and gave me a proud look.

"Your parents would have been so proud of you." he said and kissed my hands. I nodded turning around giving my thanks to everyone. I went towards Bryan who was now with Almus and stood there as Bryan kept his hand on my shoulder and Almus took my hand in his on the other side. I smiled both of them, they were my life. One my only family and other my mate.

Observing the room once again i noticed two chairs in the middle of the room, and we all were facing it, The door opened and some guards came in dragging Alano and Fiona with them. They looked depressed and hung their head low. I noticed Almus griiping my hand tight as he gasped. Fiona snapped her head up and looked at me, regret and sadness in her eyes, i know she was sorry for what she did, i could see that, but she then turned to Almus and gasped as their eyes locked. I noticed Bryan pulling me towards him, noticing Almus's grip on my hand. I looked at him confused then again at Almus and Fiona, i felt as if cold water had flashed on me as i absorbed the situation. They are Mates!

I immediately looked at Almus and hushed his internal groaning. This was going to be to hard for him. Ohh god..why him? He has suffered a lot already. I shook his hand making him look at me as i saw his eyes changing, i whispered him to control and he closed his eyes nodding.

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