Chapter 12

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We rested in each other's arms the whole afternoon. Didn't know when i fell asleep.

"Elena..wake up sweetheart." i heard Bryan calling me caressing my face. I opened my eyes and saw him. I gave a warm smile and woke up. I felt so good, so calm and fresh. I looked at the clock. It was 5 p.m.

"I never sleep this much." i said looking at Bryan who seemed ready to go.

"I'm glad you slept well with my bed." he said and winked.

"Come on now, get ready another surprise is waiting for you." he said grinning.

"Ohh yes.." i said waving my hand to him and went to the bathroom.

After about fifteen minutes we were ready to go. He offered me a cup of tea which i gladly accepted after such a powerful nap. We were all set to go after few minutes.

"We need to walk from here. I can carry you in my wolf form if you want. It's quiet far from here." he said rather asked me whether he can.

" you say."

I saw him going behind the house somewhere and the next thing i saw was Bryan in his wolf form holding his clothes in his mouth. He always amazes me, even like this he looks so handsome. I smiled at him as he came closer. I took the clothes in my hand and sat on his back. He growled as i holded his neck for support. Soon, he settled me and started to run. He had so much speed. I had to hold him tighter to prevent myself from falling. He was faster than a car. The best thing i liked was that i couldn't see the surrounding. It was all blur because of speed, i was just looking at him, observing every inch of his wolf.

Soon he slowed down his pace and stopped. I got off and handed his clothes. He took them and went away, soon returning back in his human form.

"We need to walk from here, it's just few minutes away."

"Okay.." we walked for few minutes and he stopped mid-way.

"What's wrong?"

"I want you to close your eyes."

I looked at him surprised.

"Is that really needed?"

"Please.." he requested giving me that smile which gives goosebumps.

"Okay.." i closed my eyes and he holded both of my hands moving me further slowly. I felt cold breeze around and sound of waves. I can feel him close to me.

He came closer and holded me from back and whispered. "Open your eyes..".

I slowly opened my eyes and saw the view. It was breathtaking, simply amazing. It was a cliff, underneath was the sea and above the sunset. The view was so beautiful, i almost forgot i was there with Bryan. It was such a beautiful and colourful place. I looked at him and hugged. He kissed me on forehead and we sat there on the cliff looking at the view of sunset. The sky was coloured in various colours, pink orange, violet...simply awesome. They were changing hue every second. I have never seen such view in my life.

We sat there without uttering a word, enjoying the view. After sometime it started getting dark.

"Elena..did you like my surprise?" Bryan asked.

"Ohh Bryan i loved it. Thank you so much." i said giving him a side hug.

"Let's leave now, it's getting dark.". I saw the sky and nodded. Soon we were back towards his home.

We reached and he changed into his human form. We were getting in the car when someone called him.

"Bryan..wait.." I saw a women in her fifties calling Bryan.

"Aunt Sam.." Bryan smiled at her and went towards her. She hugged him and looked at me.

"Hi.." i said giving a smile.

"Aunt Sam, this is girlfriend and...Mate." he said blushing.

Jeez..he looked so funny blushing. I controlled my urge to let out a laugh...but i noticed Aunt Sam's eyes sparkling when he said Mate.

"Hi..Aunt Sam..I have heard a lot about you from Bryan." i said smiling. She didn't returned it. Just looked at me weirdly.

I think she didn't liked me.

"Elena. This is Aunt Sam. I told you earlier she will be here in evening." he said. I looked at him smiling awkwardly. Aunt Sam nodded at him and me.

"Bryan can i talk to you for a moment please... alone." she said looking at me.

"It's fine Aunt Sam, she is my mate. You can talk to me about anything in front of her."

"Bryan...please." she insisted.

"Bryan, it's fine. You can go. I'll wait in the car." i said assuring him. He looked at me intently for sometime and sighed. "Okay." he said and they went inside.

I sat in the car waiting for them. Why do i think she wanted to talk about me.What could it be? I don't remember seeing her before. I think i am thinking too much. I let the thought go off my head and concentrated on what to do now that i am not getting married. I have to join work soon. My leave is of no use now. I must talk about this to Bryan.

Then it stuck me..It's so surprising, i am thinking of asking him every little things now. Why can't i decide what to do? Maybe it's because of the events happened. I saw Bryan getting out of the house. He was deep in thoughts. Aunt sam didn't came out. He got in the car on driver's seat.

" everything alright?" i asked.

"Yeah.." he simply said and started driving the car. He was very quiet while driving no music, no chats. Something was going on in his mind. No doubt.

"What is it?" i asked him.

"What are you talking about?"

"Bryan.." i asked him looking frustrated.

"Stop looking at me like that. There are certain things i just can't tell you now."

I looked at him with questioning look. He sighed and mouthed me Please.

I looked out of the window without saying anything. If he is not going to tell me anything then i am also not going to speak to him. I stayed quiet the whole journey...



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