Chapter 20

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Elena's POV:-

"What?" i asked looking at him. Hunter...hunter..hunter...that word was echoing in my ears.

"Elena...are you okay?" he asked concerned.

"Will you tell me what is happening?"

He nodded. "Come..sit here." he told me to sit on the bed.

"Well...i told you right that i will tell everything once the right time comes. I know i am bit late but i think this is the right time. I will answer all your questions but before that you have to promise me one thing."


"Promise me that you will not jump to any conclusions and that you will not leave me and this place without my consent."

"Okay. I promise." i said sighing. It couldn't be that bad right? i assured myself.

"Good...There are many things that you don't know. You are not a normal human. You are hunter...a born hunter."

"What do you mean by that? A born hunter?" i asked confused.

"Elena..your parents your father Charlie Shaw and mother Eva Shaw both were hunters!"

I was shocked...soo shocked..NOO!! How is that possible? They were normal humans!!!!..

"This could not be true. They were HUMANS!!. How is that possible?" i asked tears started flowing through my eyes. I can't believe it.

"Elle..." i heard Arina entering the room. I looked at her. She met my gaze and swiftly walked towards me hugging me.

"Ohh dear..that's true." she confirmed what Bryan said. I looked at Bryan who was looking worried at me.

"Elena you should be proud of them. They were the best hunters in the world." he said smiling.

"How did you know?" i asked him.

"Remember i told you about my father's death and those two couples who tried to save him?"

Yes..i do remember. They were kind people. They tried to save Bryan's father without thinking about their lives but they lost it too.

"Yes i do..What about them?" i asked confused.

"They were your parents Elena." he said moving closer to me.

I gasped...What? How? but they were killed in an accident. I am speechless.

"They weren't killed in an accident. It was made up so that you didn't know the truth. They were killed by the rougues. My dad and your parents were killed at the same war." is not true. They couldn't be killed..i can't bear this.. They would have gone through so much pain...NO..MOMMA!!..DADDYY!!

Deep pain shot through my heart as if someone is dragging a knife through it. I collapsed on the ground grieving for my parents death. Bryan immediately held me in his arms supported by Arina who was rubbing my back. I started weeping loud feeling the pain my lovely mom dad had gone through. I loved them so much..My life was hell after them for several years. It was Arina who helped me to live life again.

"Calm down Elena..I know this is so hard for you..but you have to be strong. We all are there for you." he assured me looking deep into my teary eyes. I nodded calming myself. I need to be strong.

Once i was quiet. Arina helped me to sit on the bed again. Bryan looked concerned about me.

"Bryan, let's talk about it later. Let her rest." Arina said to Bryan.

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