Chapter 28

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I was standing outside Grandpa's room unsure how to approach him. I was being restless since the last dream. I haven't spoken about it to Bryan either but hoped he understood as he didn't asked. Excusing myself. I thought the only answer i could get was from Grandpa, maybe he could enlighten me with our family's history.

Suddenly the door opened and grandpa looked at me confused.

"Why aren't you coming in?" You have been here for almost fifteen minutes now." he asked.

Ohh he knew i was here?.. Ohh yes..ofcourse he must have smelled me. I sighed.

"I need to talk to you."

"You look tired." he stated observing my face.

"I am, didn't sleep well last night."

He nodded and opened the door for me.

I went inside and saw his room. It was big. Big enough to accommodate  atleast twenty people. I studied the room for a while, searching for what i was looking for.

"What is it?"

I turned to look at him..

"Grandpa, do you have any photos of mom, dad and our family?"

He studied me and then nodded. He went towards a cupboard and unlocked it. He put out a box and closed the door. He headed towards his study table and put it there. He motioned me to come near. I saw and noticed the old box. It was beautiful just bit warned off with some dust on it.. He opened the box and took out an album. He moved his fingers on the top and opened it. He looked at me and handed it to me. I took the album and started noticing the pictures. Most of my family members covered it, i found one of my picture too. I was it seems like just born. Mom and Dad looked at me adoringly, while Almus was with us watching them with a smile. It must be our first and last family picture together. I took my celphone and clicked the photo's picture. It would be my favourite one as all of us were there. Then there was a huge family picture with Aunt Diana, and other people in it.  My cousins, uncles everyone. I noticed two familiar faces, i remembered those two boys were there when Almus arrived the first day. I never got chance to talk to them. I planned to introduce myself to them later. I focused on the pictures again, wondering on my actual purpose. I got through all the pictures i got to the last one. Still no sign. Sighing i let out a frustated groan.

Grandpa put his hand on my shoulder. I had completely forgotten about his presence.

I looked at him and then again at pictures. Wait. Maybe he could introduce me to some of our family in that group picture. I fished out that picture again and asked him to sit next to me.

"Can you tell me who is who..i mean i know some of them but just for the others who i don't know."

He nodded and sat beside me.

He told me about the members and that the picture was old but his favourite. I was surprised to know i have so many cousins. I learned that my dad had a brother too. I looked at the picture, he looked similar to dad, but i felt something different noticing him. Though the photo was normal but i could see him looking at my mother. I wasn't sure but i suspected something wrong. Grandpa told me his name is Joe and he doesn't live with them anymore. When i asked the reason, he said he liked to be independent. He was a warewolf and his mate died within few months of their marriage. He was insane and devastated. He hesitated before saying that my mother helped him to get over the trauma, but things changed and he decided to leave. He is in contact with only grandpa since then, but hasn't showed up. I managed to take in all the information, still i feel something was wrong. Have i met him before today? I can't figure out. I thought i would think about it later and smiled at Grandpa.

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