Chapter 26

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"It's Raining !!!! " I squealed in delight..Rains are the most favourite mood lifters for me. What a view it was from my bedroom's window. It's late afternoon, still it was getting dark due to grey sky. Peeking from the window i saw there was no one down in the backyard. A child in me decided that i have to go and have fun in rain. I ran downstairs and was so happy to see that there was no one around. As soon as i stepped in the rain, i felt awesome..I literally ran to the backyard, and stated dancing and singing in the rains.

Yes..this is the best place, no one is going to come here.

I was happy in my own world when a hand gripped my wrist and turned me around. I looked at the familiar face of my mate...Bryan. He pulled me towards him and kissed. I slapped him on his ass and he stopped kissing.

"So you wanna play huh? "

I backed up taking few small steps and started running, just when he lurged on me and gripped me..

"Leave me Bryan..." i said struggling in his arms..he started tickling me which made me laugh and cry with the sensation.

"Please...leave me.." i said squealing.

"Fuck..leave her assh***.. Elena!!" i heard Almus's voice and the next thing i saw Bryan on ground and Almus was about to charge at him with another punch.

"Stop!!..No!..Almus..You are mistaken." i stopped him by gripping his arm..

"He is umm..Mate." i said softly.

"Mate?" he asked surprised.

"Yes!! Mate...i guess it's Almus right? Elena's brother." Bryan said getting up from ground.

Almus looked at him with a stern look while i went in Bryan's arms.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah..i'm good. It seems you like rains a lot."

"Umm hmm..very much." I replied grinning.

"I'm sorry.." Almus said in between.

"It's alright bro, we were just playing." Almus nodded and introduced himself.

"Hey guys, why won't we just head out. Just a stroll in this area?" I  suggested.

"I can't..I have meeting with grandpa." Almus said.

"I'll take her if that's not a problem with you." Bryan suggested.

"Ok..but don't get out of this territory."

We nodded and he shifted to his wolf. Being an hunter it was the best thing that even if we had qualities of a wolf we looked like normal human. We both are fast and strong.

"Let's go."

I looked back at Almus once and headed to the forest..

After a long run, we noticed a stream nearby. We decided to head towards it.

"This looks beautiful." i murmered.

"Yes..just like you." Bryan held me from back and whispered in my ears. I looked at him and smiled shaking my head. He never fails to compliment me in any situation. I can see how much he loves me. But am I enough for i deserve such beautiful specimen of God to be mine forever. I love him..there!..i agreed it..i love him a lot...he stole my heart in such a short time, what if we weren't mates? What if we never met?

"What is it?" He asked.

"Nothing..just.." I shrugged unsure of what to tell him.



"I was thinking of asking you this question for past few days."

"What is it Bryan?"

"Nothing serious..just.. are you happy?  I mean being with me, being my mate? I mean, I know lot of things are happening in our lives. I just want to know if you are okay?"

I looked at him for a moment..

Am I okay?

Overwhelmed actually.. I found my brother..and most importantly my love..Bryan...what else would I want?
I looked at him and hugged.

"I know a lot of freaking things have happened...but I wasn't this happy ever. Now, I have my family, I have you... I don't need anything else. I love you Bryan and I am so happy that you are with me to hold be with me whatever may happen." I whispered in his ears as a lump formed in my throat. I was feeling so content.

"Oh Elena..i love you so much..i promise I would never leave you alone." He said and kissed me.

That moment I felt I am the luckiest girl in the world to have him in my life.

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