Chapter 2

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Bryan's POV:

I was trapped, something has been holding me back. I want to go near it but something is restraining me. I try growling as I put all my energy to fight the thing holding me back. I am struggling..out of breath.. I want it..I want...

Suddenly a splash of ice cold water hit me. Urghg!! I came to my senses, it was a dream except for the water part.

"What the Fuck!!..Demon!!!"

I groaned as my brother and Alpha of our pack threw a bucketful of ice water on me again.

"What the hell bro!!? What's wrong with you?"

"Whats wrong?? Huh! Look who's saying!....YOU are on patrol  tonight..and I am not going to tolerate such laziness in my pack." He growled.

 Fuck!! hate patrolling!! And my's paining like hell.

"I know..I am going.." i rolled my eyes as I got up.

"That's better.." he said looking at me.

I got up and went towards my bedroom door...

"Bryan?" Demon called me. I stopped on my tracks and looked at him.


"Are you alright?"

He caught me as usual ..but something is wrong. I am feeling something weird tonight. Something is going to happen..that dream was weird. I need to be aware..

"I'm fine.. I'll be with Gin and Gary." i assured him.

"Okay..see you in morning."

I nodded and got dressed.

We all stayed in a huge mansion, it had twenty five rooms with all the facilities to stay, it was the headquarters of our pack as the entire village was ours. There were thousands of people who lived here and trusted us for their safety. Grey moon pack was one of the strongest in the world besides our regulators..i.e., the Council who controlled laws of warewolves and other connected species.

Demon Grey was the Alpha while I am the Beta of our pack.

As I went out of the mansion I watched around. There wasn't a single person out except for the patrolling wolves. After meeting them I changed in my wolf form. The village area was vast. We got divided into two and went for patrolling.

"What's happening to me?" i asked my wolf.

'You'll know soon.' My wolf replied.

I stopped on my tracks getting a weird feeling. Something I have never experienced before. Our wolfs were a part of us. They spoke to us sometimes, guide us, but my wolf always answers.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Gary mindlinked me.

"Nothing, you guys carry on I will be around." I replied.

'Ohhh my moon godess ...bryan...aren't you noticing something in the air?...' my wolf spoke again.

I sniffed the air and a hint of aroma sent shiver within was smell of a human but different it was accompanied by smell of ocean and flowers..

"What is this? It's so....oh my.."

My wolf laughed.

I should go back with the members. I turn around when again that lovely air caught my attention.

Damn!!! It's just uncontrollable.

It feels as if someone is pulling me...

"Shit..." I mumbled and started following the was a pull....something that was calling me...something which will take my life forever...something I have desired for long.

Recongnition drowned me..hitting  me like a train that it must be what I suspected. Is it how it feels? Is this what makes them crazy? I have to go . I have to find it..My wolf ran through the forest...getting closer to that was getting stronger and I was getting wild....I started running as fast as I could. Trees blurring past me, sound of night birds all blurring as my focus was on only one thing...

I have to reach there..I have to see...I want it...

I was losing my mind as I was nearing it. My heart thumping loud. Just the sound of my paws passing through the forest. My wolf was silent but it felt like it was the silence before the storm...and finally I reached a Valley where the air felt so strong yet so beautiful. It was a valley and a river was passing in between. I saw around and followed my instincts and finally I saw her. I saw the human which made me change my path...and will change my life forever.

It was a girl... A Girl in White..

She's my Mate!!

She's Mine!

The moment I set my eyes on her I howled......

Oh man.. my heart is still beating loud. Finallllyyyy...he saw her...what will happen next? Read out...but ..don't forget to..



Urs Soniya ;)

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