Chapter 29

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We met grandpa in the meeting room and told them what i had newly discovered about Uncle Joe. He was surprised to hear.

"I guessed so, but didn't know he will go this far." Grandpa said.  

"What does that mean? You knew what?" I asked confused.

He turned to me and sighed.

"Arina, will you call Diana, Demon and Bryan here?"

I looked at her but noticed she didn't moved. I raised an eyebrow and just when i noticed the door  opening and all of them entering. I rolled my eyes..Ohh yes the mindlinks.

"You called us master?" Demon asked. I saw him for the first time since they came here. I nodded  at him as he looked at me assuring.

"Yes, it seems Elena  has some questions for us, she wanted to know about Joe. I thought maybe you all will also be interested in this part of the story which only I and Diana know."

Aunt Diana nodded understanding.

I looked at Bryan, his face was blank. What is wrong with him? I decided to talk about it later.

"Elena says, she has seen Joe several times, she says he used to visit her Cafe. "

"Does this mean, he is still around?" Aunt Diana asked horrified.

"Well it seems so." Grandpa replied.

"How is he connected?" Demon asked.

"Well, i haven't told you the whole story Elena. Apart from the rougues attack which happened when your mother was pregnant with you, there was another reason why your father decided to leave."

He paused and looked straight at me.

"Joe, loved your mom."

I was shocked at this revelation. Isn't the mate our only person whom we can love?

"What? But how is that possible? I mean you did mention to me that he was married right? and that his wife was dead. You even said mom helped him to overcome that phase."

"Yes..that's what hapenned. Once a wolf loses his mate, it's difficult to find another mate. It's almost impossible. Your mom's help and kindness was misjudged as love for him. He was recovering from his state but what made him recover was his developing love for your mother. "

"Did dad know about it?"

"He didn't at first, nor did your mother knew.  Once, Joe called her  and asked her to meet in his room, when she went there, he told her about his feelings. Shocked and scared your mother tried to tell him that wasn't possible. He tried to force her to accept him and kill the child she  was carrying, he was demanding to break the claim of your dad, she couldn't fight due to lack of strength, she was pregnant with you. Just about time, Charlie and I heard his thoughts and entered his room and saved her but he got beated by Charlie. Your father was so angry on Joe. It took a hell lot of time to calm both of them, even Eva was horrified by the incident. Charlie helped her calm and they both decided to leave as there were no reasons that will keep you safe here. I agreed as well. I kept him underground for several months and when i was satisfied with his progress i removed his limitations too. Few years later, he decided to leave the house and join our patrolling team which visits every pack around the world to look if the regulations are been followed. He now heads that team."

"So, why was he following me? If he wanted to kill me, he could have done that before."

"I have no idea. I haven't talked to him since you came here. I did tried before that but he didn't respond."

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