Chapter 27

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We headed back towards council house from our short trip soon as Bryan was unusually furious within seconds of our intimate conversation. I guessed something had happened. I haven't seen him like this ever before. We reached the council house.

"Bryan, what happened?"

"Nothing that should concern you."

"Not again know i don't like when you hide things from me."

"Elena please.."

"No..tell me."

"Fine.. let's just go inside. It seems Arnold and Almus could explain you better."

I nodded, but could feel something was wrong. What could it be? I have no idea..I can't even guess what's happening. We headed towards, grandpa's office. I saw Almus and Aunt Diana having silent conversations.

"Grandpa? is something wrong?"

Their conversation stopped as everyone turned towards me.

"Elena, my dear. Don't worry, nothing that should worry you."

"Ohh please..Grandpa..I know something is wrong. Are you going to tell me or i am leaviing this place this instant."

"As stubborn as her mother." i heard Aunt mumbling. I narrowed my eyes at her and she smiled amused.

"Grandpa, she should know." Almus insisted. Bryan and Aunt Diana agreed.

"Well, if that's what you all think then..i have no choice."

There was a moment of silence when Grandpa Arnold moved towards me.

"Elena.. your life is in danger."

I looked at him shocked. What does that mean? I am still not safe? even here? I have the strongest people here. I am with my family and i am a hunter for gods sake.

"But..why? what happened? Didn't you say i was safe here?"

"Yes i did my dear. Well, when you were out with Bryan today, some of the rougues tried to cross the council territory. We do have a tight security but it seems they have appointed someone to send us message."

"What message?" i asked looking at all. I saw Bryan still furious and gripping the side table hard, as his knuckles went white, same with Almus, he was looking dead scary. While, Aunt Diana seemed to be lost. I heard Grandpa sighing closing his eyes.

"They are coming to get you. They sent a letter through one of our security guards who they have injured badly."

I was numb...Who are these people? I can't understand why can't they leave me alone.

"So what now?" i asked him.

"To reach you they have to pass us first. We will peotect you." Almus said.

" are our responsibilty Elena. Demon says we are ready for whatever they have planned. We all will fight." Bryan said promising me.

"If it's the matter of my security..then i should fight too!"

"I am not going to allow that." Arnold commanded.

"Why not? I am not going to sit and see how you all are fighting for me. I am different right? Then i must now why? I must know my powers."

I looked at everyone, they seemed to be in thoughts.

"I think she is right." Almus said.

I looked at him as he was proving to be my hope.

"We can work on it. Since she has changed, i haven't noticed anything. I mean any extraordinary powers, or anything that would hint us. But i think we need to find those." Bryan said.

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