Chapter 3

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Elena's POV:

I heard some whispers around...I felt if I don't have a life in my eyelids felt too heavy to open.

"I think she is getting consious.." I heard someone's voice.

I lifted my eyelids and sudden brightness burned them. I shut my eyes tight putting an arm on my face.

"Bryan...close the curtains on the window." a lady spoke.

I tried to open my eyes slowly. They felt too sore...I noticed the surrounding..where am I?  I looked around confused...a lady was sitting near me. I was lying on the bed I guess. There were two more people, both way too heighted and with superbuilt body with tattoos all over. I looked at one he smiled at me warmly and I looked at other who looked at me with a blank face, i think he was concerned too, i think. It seemed like he was holding his breath. I looked at him narrowing my eyes. I feel weird. His eyes locked mine and i felt something..which i had never felt before.  A tingling.. like I had eated a small butterfly or something. Huh..Who is he?

"Hi honey...I am are you feeling dear?" the sweet lady sitting beside me broke my attention and as I looked at her she was smiling at me.

"I'm...fine...just a bit weak I guess." i said trying to push myself up with support of my hands.

"Ohh dear are weak...just rest okay? You will be fine soon." she said caressing my arm..

I looked at her, I haven't felt so cared for a long time, not since my mom and dad died. This women whom I don't even know is so welcoming and...I just felt like hugging her.

Suddenly i recollected the previous day's events..and I felt numb again. I just lied...closing my eyes..tears started forming in my eyes.

"Now hey sweetie, you are okay. It's okay, whatever it is, it will be fine. " Sue whispered in my ears caressing my forehead.

I opened my eyes and looked at her. My eyes were getting wet as all the events were going through my eyes.

"Mom...!!" one of the boy who had a blank slash concerned look earlier called her. I looked at Sue.

"Demon, Bryan...will you give us a moment alone please. She is fine now. You both can leave." she said in a commanding voice to them.

"But mom..." the same person whose name was i think Bryan looked at Sue. She raised a hand and indicated him something. Demon the other one dragged him out. Bryan once again looked at me as if in pain and sighed while passing through the door.

Just Sue was left in the room. I looked at Sue and suddenly the urge of spilling my heart out came to my mind and i broke in tears. She was so welcoming. She hugged me and caressed as if my mother...

"Shh..shh...ohh poor girl's alright darling..calm down." she whispered in her soft voice. Just those words and I felt peace. I didn't know when I slept in her arms.

After few hours...

I woke up again..this time there was silence though. I felt better..much felt like a big weight was slowly dissapearing from my heart. I felt numb. I sat on the bed and watched around. It was a big room with large windows, curtains were still closed. I looked at my clothes, they were changed. The sweet lady..Sue must have changed my clothes...but I was wearing a decent knee length sundress. I looked at a door which I thought must be washroom and thankfully it was. I saw myself in the mirror in horror. Red eyes, my skin was pale and my hair was messed up.

I was suppose to be the bride yesterday...and today...everything is over.. I must get back home. This people have done so much for me...I can't trouble them anymore.

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