Chapter 30

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I woke up with a throbbing head. Looking around i noticed, it was dark, but nobody was there. The familiar setting of my room, assured me that i was in my room itself. I tried to get up but i had no strength.

"Elena, go to sleep love. " I heard Bryan whisper in my ears, and holding my hand under the sheets. It was then i saw him in the dark sitting beside me and resting his head on my bed. I relaxed and drifted off again.

Bryan POV

It's been two days now, she hasn't woke up, her moving in bed every few hours is the only assurance for me that she is alive. These two day's have been like hell. On the other side, Demon was recovering from his situation, after the so called shock passed through both of them during the touch. Demon came out of his state, but he was still weak. I hope he will be recovered as soon as possible. Being in contact with my pack and simultaneously taking care of Demon and Elena is very exhausting. I looked at her, she was still asleep. Arnold and Almus alongwith the other family members are all worried. Though we haven't told all of them about what exactly happened. Just Arnold and Almus knows. If this is some kind of power that she possesed, it was a risk to spread the news. I feel so worried about her. Once she is consious, i will be the first person to hold her in my arms.

"Wake up Elena. I can't take this anymore." i whispered in her ear. She stilled, moved a bit but didn't open her eyes and it seemed like she slept again.

Arina came in and saw me dissapointed.

"Bryan, she will be fine. You should probably eat something."

"No, please, let me be with her."

She nodded


"He is awake and seems mostly recovered. He may visit here later."

I sighed and nodded. She gave me an assuring look and left.

Few hours later,

I am losing myself, i can't see her like this. I somehow feel she is fine but no i want her up and in my arms as soon as possible or i will go crazy. I pulled my hair in frustration kneeling on my thighs, just when i felt smooth fingers caressing my hair. I looked up at her, she was finally awake smiling at me.

"Ohh Elena." i took her in my arms and kissed her long and slow.

"You scared the hell out of me."

"I am fine now. I am here."

"Don't you go to sleep again." i said in a high voice. She giggled and shaked her head.

I hugged her, feeling her warm body. How i have missed it this two days.

"Bryan, what happened?"

"Don't you remember?"

"I..i just know that i touched Demon, and then everything went blank."

"Well, to continue it from there, after you touched Demon, it was like something strong went through you. He was out of that position and slumped on ground but he was moving and breathing, but you, you just couldn't handle it, that's what it seemed, you became unconsious and fell on the ground. I was so scared to look you like that. It was like you were lifeless for few moments."

I looked at her and kissed her again.

"GO on..." she said me reassuring.

"We took you to your room and called our doctor, she sensed that you had some sort of power which came into existence and loaded you which made you unable to handle it, as you were not that strong"

I looked at him surprised.

"Power? How is that even possible. I didn't know, even hunters possess powers, did my mom or dad had one?"

"I have heard that few people like you exist in the world, but we never got any proof of their existence and as long as they are no harm to us, council didn't care. They are like you and possess some power but i don't have much knowledge about them. They must be hardly two or three in numbers. So i have no idea if you parents were one of them but i guess no, they were ordinary hunters."

"So you mean i am one of them? Gifted with powers?"

"Yes, but we need to see how this power works. Listen to me Elena, only us, i.e., Demon, me, Arina, Almus and Arnold know about this. No one else here. So you better do not tell anyone."

"Bryan, do you think this is the reason those rouges were coming for me since my birth?"

"Maybe." he said deep in thoughts. I remained quiet possesing all the facts. Physically i wasn't feeling that weaker now. But, i could feel the adrenaline rushing through my blood.

"Elena, stop thinking for now. I think you should eat something, you haven't ate anything since you you were unconsious."

That was the point when my stomach grumbled, i looked at him grinning.

"That's the cue."

"I am here." Arina said as she came in through the door holding a tray with food.

"You always know what i want and when." i spoke.

"That's what i have been doing since years." she said smiling."I am so happy that you woke up. We all missed you."

I nodded and watched her arranging my food. I started digging as soon as i got the plate in my hand. It was chicken soup my favourite dish whenever i felt sick. I stopped noticing that Bryan was smiling at me and Arina hoding one more bowl in front of him. He looked at it and narrowed his eyes at Arina, she simply waved ignoring him.

"Bryan, you.."

"Yes, he hasn't eaten a thing since that day. He wasn't even ready to leave you for an hour to take a small nap."

My heart fluttered, this man is crazy.

"Bryan." i said but lost words.

"I will eat now. Continue with your food okay."

I watched as he took the bowl and started  taking sip. I shaked my head, he was cute, he was adorable, he was caring, and most of all he loved me.

"Yeah, keep looking at me like that and i will finish all of this food, then you won't get any." he said cocking his head. I and Arina both busted out laughing. Afterall, we knew wolf's are always hungry, and my wolf lost his apetite because of me. This hunter has falling deeply in love with him.

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