Chapter 33

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"Shit!" Bryan said as he pulled me to him and engulfed me in a hug. Tension was thick in the room.

"Diana, alert everyone. NOW! Ask our border security to tighten. Tell Marcus, Gellos and Tinan to lead the council packs for counter attack, and make sure every women and children are gathered in the ball room ensure their safety. You stay with them. All of this has to be done immediately!" he barked orders as there were shuffling going on everywhere. I could practically hear his orders in every wolf's head in the house and they had started implimenting them.

"Bryan, where is Demon?'

"He is on his way with the pack for additional help." Bryan said still holding me.

"Blake you are in the council's territory. We will make sure of your safety. Till then you and Elena would stay here."

"But.. Bryan, it's upon you if you want to go fight or stay here." Grandpa asked him. I saw Bryan flinching, he wasn't ready to leave me. I want him to go. I don't want him to stay here just because of me. I know i can protect myself. Besides, according to our plan Grandpa is staying here with me.

"You should go." i whispered to him. He looked at me as if it's the last time he is looking and kissed me with so much passion. It melted my heart. I know he is struggling. He looked at me hoding my face in his hands and whispered.

"I love you."

"Love you to. Be safe. We have a wedding to plan." i said him winking.

He gave me a warm smile and kissed my forehead. Walking towards grandpa he looked at him and i could sense them speaking something.

Grandpa nodded and Bryan gave me one look before barging out through the door.

"I didn't expect it to be so soon." Blake broke the silence.

"Should i mindlink Alano to come here?" he asked looking at Grandpa.

"No, i don't think that's necessary. We are the council. We can take care of this on our own. Don't forget our powers." he said to him and went towards the window.

I approached him to see through the window. I was surprised to see that our front yard which was huge now looked like a battle field. Thousands of rogues entering the territory. I could see wolfs fighting, grabbing each other. Thankfully none of them were near the house as some guards were lined up in front of the house as a safety wall.

I noticed the rogues, Blake was right, they were huge, those rogues looked strong, they were big bad wolfs, I could see them, they were large in numbers but i also noticed that almost every one from council pack was fighting.

I noticed grandpa went towards the other side of the room towards the phone and started dialling number. Meanwhile i saw the war which was visible from Grandpa's office as his office was on the top floor facing the front yard. I recognized Uncle Marcus and Gellos both on the opposite sides. They were fighting with so much power. I searched for Bryan, and my eyes landed on his wolf. He was fighting with three rougues at a time but i wasn't worried about him, he looked less troubled like it was a moments time when he will crush them all.

My eyes darted towards a corner where i saw three human standing, as they came out of the dark, i saw there faces.

"Ohh god!" realisation dawn into me. Uncle Joe!! I have seen tgat face in pictures. It's him. He was with another old man who looked equally powerful and a girl, she was Fiona i could figure that out.

But what made me shiver was Uncle Joe standing there as if a leader. His body showed no sign of any damage or accident. This meant Blake was...

I turned around to tell Grandpa when i was rooted on my spot. Blake had shifted into a wolf and was launching on grandpa.

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