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A year later

"Honey, would you mind accompanying Demon for picking up his tuxedo?" I asked my husband Bryan.

"Why ? Can't he do it himself?" he complained like a kid. I rolled my eyes.

"Stop acting like a kid! You know i wanted to go but due to my pregnancy it's getting difficult for me to even walk these days. This guy here.." i tapped my baby bump "is very naughty."

"Hey..stop complaining about my daughter." He said pouting.

"..and how do you know it's a girl?"

He grinned and engulfed me in his arms.

"I want it to be a girl. Just like you. Strong and beautiful."

I smiled and nodded.

It's almost a year after the attack, many things have changed.

We got married a month later in the council house ballroom. It was a private function where we vowed to be together forever. We were showered with blessings from all of my relatives and close friends. Everyone was present including Suzie  and Shawn. I was surprised to see them together, yes they were a couple and have announced their marriage recently. I knew they loved each other from the beginning. I gave them the responsibility of the cafe most of the time. Visiting occasionally i would manage the work.

I got pregnant soon after marriage and now waiting for a month to go for my due date.

While we got married and had announced the news of our pregnancy, Demon proposed Arina for marriage. It was like a party time for the whole family. Now that they are getting married within two weeks me 'like a good friend i am' have taken the responsibility for the arrangement, but it's getting difficult for me to work due to my weight and health. Still, Sue and Aunt Diana are helping me with the work.

Speaking of Almus, it was very difficult to handle him after he knew Fiona was his mate. He distanced himself from Council house keeping himself busy out of there and trying his best to avoid any encounters with Fiona. He often stayed with me and Bryan in our pack. But i made sure he gets to meet Fiona again. Fiona's punishment will be off soon and she will be joining our pack after that. I have planned all for two of them to meet at Demon and Arina's wedding. That would be the best occassion. Afterall they two deserve to be together i am sure Grandpa will understand too.

So here i was all bumped up with my soon to born baby and a loving husband who was holding me in his safe arms of our home while always hoping for the bright future with my family. But there's one thing i haven't told my family and Bryan that this baby would be a girl, i know it because of the weird dreams that show me the truth and i will do my best to save her from the world even if it costs my life....

'My baby girl would not just be a born hunter with magical powers but the most powerful wolf too!'



Finally! The book is completed and i am glad to announce my other book too!

Yes! Ideas are popping up in my mind a lot these days. But phew, i completed this book and am so satisfied looking at the results. I love you guys and i hope you check out my other works too.

Do not forget to Vote and share my book with your friends. Any suggestions are always welcome.

Thanks for reading till the end. Love you all readers.


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