Chapter 6

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Elena's POV:

It took me a minute to take in his warmth but I had to face the reality. My life is like a rollercoaster for the past two days. I need some clearity and I have to make this all clear with Bryan here.

"Mates you say? Can you explain that to me?" I asked him now keeping some distance and resuming my position on the corner of his bed. But he seems to be unable to keep his hands off me. He sat down beside me and tucked a lose strand of hair behind my ear.

"It is what it is Elena. We were destined to be together...forever. We are a couple made in heaven even before we came to this world..we are bound in love by the moon goddess." he said.

How is this possible? I can't should i believe him..the surely was something sent sparks through my body..he has something which is tempting me...i am not able to understand this..

"Sweetheart. I know you must be confused."

"You need to know everything about me... about us..and you need to trust me...I'm not going to let anyone harm you." he said.

I nodded trusting each and every word that came out of his mouth.

"Elena...we are not normal humans.." he said looking in my eyes.

"Cut the crap Bryan, hat exactly are you saying?" I asked no longer in the mood for light talk.

"I am a...Warewolf."

I looked at him surprised...this means what I saw earlier at the gate and what I felt was true. That animal was linked to Bryan.

"So..earlier..the animal which I came across at the gate..."

"It was me." he completed my sentence.

I was speechless. This is definitely a lot to take in. 

"Say something please...What are you thinking about?" Bryan asked.

"Just..just.. linking everything. But how is this possible?" I asked him.

What am I in a fantasy novel or something?

"I'm surprised you are still here. Any other human would have been out of this place by now probably screaming and to save their own life." he said smiling to himself.

"That's maybe because.. I trust you." I replied truthfully.

He looked at me and leaned to kiss my forehead.

"Thank you." he said.

What is he doing to me? Everytime he touches just feels magical.

"Elena...we all are warevolves here. This house is the authority of our wolf pack. My brother Demon is the Alpha and I am the Beta. We both are the most powerful wolfs and this pack is our responsibility. There are several packs around the world but ours is the strongest. We exist because there are other creatures too like vampires, but they have left this area long back. Still, we have opponent packs and rougues to handle and keep our packs and humans safe."

"Who are rougues?" I asked trying to understand.

"Rougues are wolfs that do not belong to any pack. They are free, they think they have no rules, and thus they are strongest, so they try to attack and take some of the wolfs to form their own packs of rougues."

"Okyy..." this all is actually getting over my head but I am trying to understand some of it.

"So how do you change?...I mean into a wolf?"

"Our body changes as we give the control of our body to our wolfs, which are inside us."

" mean if you don't mind..can you show me?" I asked unsure if i want to see. He cocked his head to me.

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