Chapter 8

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"!!! don't leave me.." i was shouting and calling my mom and dad. She was going away...very far...Some white souls were getting her...holding her body as if to take her life..

"Daddy....!!!" i called but he was quiet...lifeless...far away lying on the ground in the forest...White souls surounding him too..laughing at him.

No..i can't let them go. I can't..I was running to save my mother...

"Mom!!!.........Mom!! Wait i am coming..."

I was running...very fast....breathing heavily..but no use..she was getting away...NOOO...she is disappearing...I see nothing ..just clouds..i was running again fast...but..nothing..they dissapeared. They left me...NOOO....!!!!

"Mommmm!!!" i screamed.

I woke with a jolt. All wet with fear and my tears.

"Elena..What's wrong?...Are you okay?.." i saw Bryan shaking me. Tears were flowing through my eyes.

"Bad dream.." that was all i could say..It's weird, i haven't got this dream since many years. Such dreams haunted me almost everyday when my parents died. Arina had helped me a lot during that phase, She helped me to get out of this dream...But....why after so many years?... i didn't understand.

"Hey...are you okay?..You don't seem good. You wanna talk about it?" Bryan asked.

"No..not now..i will tell you when the right time comes."

"I won't insist..but...whatever happens..i am there with you now..You know that right?" he asked.

I nodded and watched the clock. It was 5 a.m. I almost forgot Bryan hasn't returned home.

"Bryan can go home now..I will be alright."

Sue must be worried for him. He can't always be here with me.

"But..Elena..i want to be here..with you."

"Bryan..please i want to be alone for sometime. Besides, Sue would be worried for you."

"She knows that i am here. Don't worry about that. but if you want sometime for yourself it's fine. I'll go home and be back later." he said getting up.

I got out of the bed to see him off...he went to the window.

"What?..are you going out through window?"

"So you want me to go through door so that your friend would know that i was here with you the whole night?" he asked.

Ohh..i almost forgot about Arina!!.

" go from here..i mean the window.." i said dismissing the thought of Arina..What will she think if she knows about Bryan?

"Elena... " he called.

"Yes." i looked at him coming out of my thoughts.

"I will miss you.." he said hugging me.

" too.." i replied instantly..

Whoa!! Where does this came from?

I smiled in his warm embrace. He gave a small kiss and jumped out of the window. I saw him running through the trees. I came in closing the window. I still had time to rest. So, i just laid on my bed.

After few hours, Arina knocked my door.

"Hey Morning." she smiled at me.

"Morning Ari."

"So, did you sleep well?" she asked peeking in my room.

"Yeah..come in." i said.

She followed me in and stopped on tracks.

"Was someone here with you?" she asked suddenly. I was shocked. How did she know?

"No could someone be here. I was asleep, just woke up few moments back." i said making a lazy face.

She nodded and went towards the window. Ohh no!! What is she doing? she suspecting that someone was here. I have to be more careful next time.

"What's wrong?" i asked her.

" you ready for the funeral?" she asked me.

I nodded. I want to bid my bestfriend good bye. Suddenly all the memories of all this years since our childhood came to me.

"Are you fine Elle?" Ari asked worried.

"Yes..I'll get ready."

She nodded and went out of my room. I showered and changed into a black knee length dress. I went down to the kitchen. An omlete and tea was waiting for me there. I saw Arina dressed in dark blue dress.

"Hey...i thought you must be hungry."

"Yes..thanks Ari." i said and started digging in the breakfast. Godd!! i really was hungry.

Arina sat in front of me on the dining table and ate her breakfast.. She didn't ask me where i was but she will ask soon..what am i going to say?

I looked at her at the same time she did. Seems we both were in thoughts. We smiled at each other awkwardly.

We got ready and soon were on the road.

"Are you ready to face it?" Ari asked as we parked our car.

I nodded preparing my heart to meet all of his family and our friends. We went inside and the rituals started. I met Uncle James who seemed worried about me. I assured him that i am fine. I saw Luke and my heart shrinked. His mother hugged me, we both consoled each other. I took seat beside Ari and the priest started the rituals..After our speeches , the last ritual was done. I couldn't control myself. My only close friend was no more. Arina stood by my side and kept me strong. It was time to leave. We bid our goodbye's to our friends and his relatives and got in the car. Arina was driving. She didn't utter a word. Seemed she was thinking about something very hard. I kept quiet, and decided i will ask her later.

She parked her car in front of our house. I unlocked the car door and was stepping out..

"Wait!!" she shouted. I looked at her shocked.

"What's wrong?..What happened?" i asked her confused. She is really acting weird since morning.

"Elle....will you please stay here in the car. I will be back."

"But why?" i asked.

"Elena please..just wait.." she said and before i could say anythng she was out of the car.

What is it with her... should i tell her about Bryan? What will she think? How can i tell her about the warewolf thing? I should ask Bryan if i could tell her...but..what is taking her so long...i looked at my house. Why do i think that something is can't simply sit here.

I got out of the car and walked towards the house. Once near the door..I heard a loud sound of something falling.. panicked by the noices inside i unlocked the door and was shocked to see the view in front of me...

"Ohh My God!"

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