Chapter 9

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"Ohh my God!"

What the hell!!!?

I saw two warewolfs facing each other. One of them was Bryan, i can recognize him and the other one was bit smaller than him, no comparison with Bryan's giant wolf. It was grey. They were looking at each other as if ready to attack. Bryan saw me and the grey wolf took chance to attack him.. Ohh no..

"Nooo Stop!!" i shouted and the grey wolf stopped in tracks while Bryan took over the wolf and pinned him by his paws.

The other wolf surrendered and Bryan got back. Bryan went towards our kitchen and returned in his human form. That was the moment i realised how much i missed him since morning. He came towards me and hugged.

"How are you?" he asked sniffing my hair.

"I am good. Are you okay?" i asked him looking at his body..i missed him. Thank god he wasn't hurt.

"Have you forgotten i am the Beta of the world's most powerful pack?" he asked. I smiled shaking my head and hugged him. It felt as if his arms are the best place to be. Suddenly it clicked me and i saw the other wolf. He wasn't there. I looked at him.

"Who was he?" i asked.

"It was..."

"Is anyone going to tell me what's happeninng here.. An unknown wolf is coming in our home and now i am seeing my bestfriend hugging him!" she said entering through her room.

I looked at her shocked and then at Bryan, then again at her.

What??? The other wolf was none other then Arina! How is this even possible?

"I can't believe it." i said totally shocked by this revelations.

"Elena..are you okay? Come with me." Bryan took me to our living room sofa and i sat there. I was so shocked..I don't have words. What is this all hapenning in my life? and Why?

I saw Arina who looked at me with unknown expression.

"Elena, Arina is also a wolf." Bryan started speaking.

"Hold on a sec..i think i need to know first what is going on here? How did you two know each other?"

"Elena is my Mate." that was all he need to say and Arina was shocked to hear that. I looked at her. She stood at her place like a statue gawking at me.. Bryan explained everything to her and she listened without uttering a single word.

"Ohh Elle!! So much has happened in just few days..I am so sorry ." she came towards me and hugged.

"It's okay Ari..but why? How? i mean..." i wanted to ask her so many questions.

"I got it...hold on...and first of all i am sorry Bryan for attacking you earlier. I didn't knew about this whole thing. I was surprised to smell a warewolf after a long time in this house. I thought you are one of those rougues who used to come for ..." she stopped mid sentence and looked at me.

What is she hiding?

"for..?" i asked suspicious.

" me? just slipped out of my tongue. " i looked at Bryan who was looking at Arina with narrowed eyes.

"What is it?" i asked him.

"Nothing.." he simply replied giving a weak smile.

"I think you both are not safe here. Why don't you both get shifted to my house?" Bryan suggested.

"Bryan, i don't think that's a good idea." i suggested. "Besides, i work here. I work for a living. I have my own business in the city."

"I agree with Elena. Besides, i am there for her always." she gave me an assuring smile which i returned.

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