
58 10 8

The morning; so bold and the sky so blue,
Minds are open and lies are true.

The afternoon; reality dawning and idealism sinking away,
Eyes are skeptical and fast forward is on delay.

The evening; patience is short and hearts are sore,
The sky turns grey and there are more negatives than there are fors.

The night; liberating and it feels so alive,
Raised arms on winners and revolutionaries strive.

Repeat, repeat,
The days will never cease to run away
So we cannot afford to stray
From our courses of fate and destiny,
From apologies and testimonies.

Move with time and hope you have lived and loved.
-holly boyd

Poet's note:
So sorry for not updating for so long,
I was on a school trip to Russia (:
I know that my poetry is deteriorating but I am feeling uninspired- if you have any themes that you could suggest I would be very thankful.
Lots of love to you all for your continuous support and faith <3

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