First time {01} smt

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(Y/N) first and last smut ... LOL

Today, Joe and I had been dating for 8 months, although he doesn't seem to realize it. It felt odd between us, almost as if we drifting apart due to tolerance.

We still hadn't done it yet. He said he was okay with it, but I could see through his shell. He was really desperate recently.

His bahavior of being tired around me made me feel as if he was thinking to replace me with someone who wasn't a noob at relationships.

I lived 2 blocks down from Joe's apartment. We had met when he had bumped into me while recording a video. I was exiting my apartment to go on a date with a stranger, and he bumped into me while recording a daily blog. I was sipping on my cold coffee and it soaked my dress after he had bumped into me.

I remember how I fell back and he lend me his hand. His sister, Zoella, nudged him in his ribs for being so ignorant on the streets. I giggled, but my smile feel when I realized that I was a mess. Joe apologied and left me his number after realizing that we were neighbors.

Joe had kissed me on out first date, and it was awkward. Because it was my first kiss, I couldn't help but nuzzle my face in his neck. He pulled me closer to him and I breathed in an uneven pattern. He chuckled deeply, satisfied with his life.

Here I was, sitting next to him watching him edit his video. He replayed the same part of the video before moving on the the next scene. I bit my lip, thinking about the next step in out relationship. The furthest we had gone was foreplay, and I backed out before the main course could take place.

He glanced at me when he felt me staring, and I looked down at my cell. He went back to editing. I sighed and lightly threw my mobile on the sofa. Joe looked up at me and pushed his laptop off his lap. I scooted closer to him and rested my head on his shoulder.

He used his phone while I rested on him. Thought went through my head about our relationship. I was so nervous that I was trembeling. I lifted my head off, and Joe stared at me with a confused look. I took his face in my hand and inched closer to him awkwardly. He leaned in as well, smirking slightly. Or maybe he was smiling. I smiled too.

I was ready.

He pulled me on top of him as we kissed each other like we always did. My hands were I'm his hair, where else would they be. His hands rested on my thighs, helping me from trembling in his arms. With the intention of getting closer to him, I accidentally rubbed against him. He moaned so deeply that I felt every piece of me shake and then relax a little.

I didn't mean to. He laid me back on the sofa. With him on the top, my body was burning underneath his. The tips of my fingers were bring. The air conditioner wasn't much help for me to cool down.

He broke the kiss to take off his own shirt. After a few minutes, mine were off as well. Both shirts neatly hanging over the head of the sofa. Joe had a very large body compared to me. He was tiny but I somehow was more tiny.

His muscles were something. They are extremely perfect in my eyes. I know how hard he worked in them. I remember how I had made him eat McDonald's. He protested but ate it some for a stupid kiss. But I guess a kiss from me was more special than 6 years of hardwork.


After we were stripped of our clothes, Joe was hesitating. I, of course didn't wanna speak, so I just nodded. He nodded back with a kiss on my cheek. He moved my hair out of my face, finally kissing me on the lips before we crashed into each other.

He was inside me, with a very queer feeling. I felt an unusual object being inserted in me, moving back and fourth.

It was Horrible.

I moaned because of the pain and no pleasure. I had expected to be so much better than this. His head was sinking into the crook of my neck. He mumbled things that I didn't wanna decipher because the pain was too distracting.

During that whole time, I felt nothing that was considered pleasuring. The only thing good about this was that we were so very close. Not even millimeters were in was brilliant but the pain ruined it all.

It was all so barbaric. I wanted it to stop, but Joe seemed to be enjoying it. I moaned along with him, to make him feel comfortable. He kissed me before he was finished. He quickly covered us with a blanket that was fortunately resting on the arm rest .

He laid beside me. Smiling. I slightly uncomfortable with our encounter.

"So how was it?" He asked. Another smirk playing along his lips. His voice was so deep that it made almost every inch of pain worth it.

I stared him, with my bottom lip bitten my sets of teeth, looking for words. I smiled shyly and scooted closer to him.

"It was the best feeling that I've ever felt in my entire life."


Req- up to 900 words. Pm me. I'll be only doing those ideas that are actually worth writing. Be creative. Vote. Comment. Request. Follow.


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