what the... {31} smt

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Avoid reaching insanity whilst watching that looping YouTube video.

WARNING: Little to none sexual content.

This is similar to the one you guys really liked. The imagine called memories...where, yanno. I did too much. Haha, enjoy! (TBH that was my best idea of a fanfic- tell me how orignal I was with that one).

My fingers slithered down to my core in pure ecstasy as Joe continued his gaze on me. His eyes starting at my body, completely hypnotized. My left hand traveled up to my hair, pulling on it in pleasure while arching my back slightly. I heard a low growl escape his lips. I looked back at him and our eyes met. His were no longer a shade of piercing blue.

*Brought to you by another cringe*

both you and Joe around age 5-6 (what ever you think is best)

Internet was new to us lot. Joe's mom was wealthy enough to have a working computer and a good speed internet which was sadly off limit to all children due to some online virus which was going around.

But that didn't stop us from playing dress up games and look at funny images of cats. Joe and I use to sneak into his mum's room when she was either working or talking to my own mum. We would do this very often but no one seemed to notice.

Today, I was once again sat with Joe in front of a large computer, twice the size of me. Joe quickly turned it on, pretty excited. I leaned back waiting for it to start up. Joe sneezed loudly onto the computer's screen, making his gooey nose water- or whatever its called- run down his nose onto his lips. He fixed that problem by swiping his tongue over the upper lip and the slimy fluid, completely cleaning it off in one blow. Then he proceeded to get a tissue from behind the computer.

(LOL wat joe)

He entered the password, which we both didn't understand the meaning of completely. We didn't bother asking since it would probably get us in trouble. I remember the day I had copied it down which Joe's mum was showing us her computer.

"Capital 'I', lower case 'l, o, v, e,' space bar key once 'c, o, c, k, s.'" Joe said out loud while typing pretty slow compare to his mother. His mum could type my name, my mom's name, my dad's and my sister's name in just two minutes! Can you believe that? 

After hitting enter, he looked back at me with a smile as we both remembered that one time Joe had let me play with his cock. It was small, fluffy and cute (lolol gottem a/n: it gets better). His cousin from Midway City has a bigger cock though. It's huge and all, but I prefer small cocks. They were less intimidating and less likely to hurt me by biting. I liked them small because they were easier to hold fully in my own hands, and cuter to kiss as well (talking about that chicken ya'll).

I shook the though out of my head as the windows program finally decided to turn  on.

The computer turned on and Joe quickly moved the mouse arrow to the Internet Explorer Logo. After 3 minutes, it was ready for use. Joe also leaned back, thinking about what we were going to do today. I already had an idea.

"Hey Joe, my older sister told me a game that we should play with the internet."

"What is it, y/n?"

"Basically, we type random things in the URL bar and see what shows up."  I giggled. "Whoever gets the funniest result, wins I would guess." 

Joe instantly nodded, pure excitement visible in his eyes. I smiled instantly as my hands reached for the loud yet precious keyboard. Without thinking any further, I typed in what first came to my mind as Joe watched my fingers swift through keys. 

I typed, "DogsVsCats.Com" giggling as I did it. I hit enter and pictures of cats and dogs flashed upon the screen, making Joe burst in laugh. Gifs of cats and dogs were replaying themselves multiple times. Before exiting the website, we looked at a few and giggled quietly, remembering to remain secretively.  

Joe took the keys under his slender fingers, dazing off in deep thoughts upon what to write. I stared at his innocent profile, concerned about the things to come later. I stared at him till I wished to take a picture of him instead. His eyes instantly lit up when suddenly he had finally decided what to type in the search-bar. 

He typed, "Joker'sToys.Com" with a laughter coming upon him. I didn't get why it was funny. He hit enter and waited for a few moments. 

A black sight loaded as the bars and columns started to appear on both sides of the page. Within seconds, the true contents of the pages relieved themselves, causing me to almost fall out of my chair.  Naked people instantly covered the website as in the center we watched a lady bouncing upon a white pillow, naked. Within milliseconds, I turned my head towards Joe, pleading for him to come up with an explanation. His mouth was agape as he watch the lady screaming for some unknown reason. 

"What the..."

Suddenly a naked man entered the scene and watched the lady move up and down on the pillow. His but was against us so we couldn't see much. His hands moved to the lady's chest as he was squeezing her skin oddly.

I didn't know much back then, but I knew that nakedness was not appropriate. My hands snaked up to Joe's eyes in order to hide the view of the nude female lady. Joe instantly removed my hands from his face, making me uncomfortable instantly. 

Suddenly I realize what trouble we will get in if his parents find out about this in their history. I instantly ran up to the power point on the wall to pull the plug out with great force. Joe's eyes snapped away from the screen, his throat gulping lightly during the process. I moved on to disconnect random wires as Joe stared at me, still in shock with the previous happenings.  

"Disconnect all wires, you fool!" I whispered as he gulped once more. His slender fingers traveled up to the keyboard wire connected to the wire of the mouse. He struggled to take that one out as I went in the lines of unplugging everything in the room. I climbed a chair in order to unplug Joe's mom's charging cellphone -Just in case, I thought. 

When I returned back to face Joe, he was stills struggling to disconnected the wire connecting the mouse to the keyboard. I pushed him lightly as I took matter in my own hands, disconnecting the last wire in the room. 

I sighed heavily as we both awkwardly got up and pushed in the chairs. Joe kept staring at the blank screen, remember the naked people and how they were so much different looking than normal people like us. And how they had some body parts that normal people like us did not. 

He lifted his t-shirt to his head to look what was underneath. He shook his head in disappointment. I stared at him distantly, still shocked about the incident. Suddenly I felt his hand roam around my chest, causing my instant reflexes to go off and push him away as far as possible. He landed onto his bum, with his head looking back into his own chest as he stretch the band of the neck of the t-shirt to his preferably view. He opened his mouth to speak but perhaps he was low on vocabulary back them, which caused him to hesitate slightly before uttering in shame. 

"I guess you haven't got them either." 


He was talking about them flat boobies. LOL

I am back, kittens. 
and if you haven't noticed - joker is my new obsession.

Comment, Vote, and etc for further updates! 

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