memories {24} smt

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y/n pov

Joe's body over mine, providing heat and please as he kissed down my neck. My hands griped either side of the pillow as he made his way down. His hair lightly brushed against my chest, creating instant goose bums. Joe continued to leave wet kisses to my stomach, and before he could go any further he brought his lips back onto mine, making me moan.

My hands instantly wrapped themselves along his fluffy hair, and I smiled. He trailed his fingers down my side, before squeezing onto my hips. we helped each other get out of the rest of the clothing. 

 *Brought you by y/n's past (cringy as hell) Memories*

20 years earlier - y/n was about age 3 and so was Joe.

"Joe. What is that you're holding?" I asked, completely out of curiosity. I looked up from it and met his eyes with a grin. My eyes traveled back down to his hands. 

"It's a willy," he replied. "Or that's what mum said."

"Oh really?" I asked, placing my chin into my palms as I continued to stare. "Can I touch it?" Joe looked at me with heavenly eyes. His lips were spread into a horrible smile. His teeth were ever so slightly gaped and some even broken. 

"Go ahead.

I ran towards Joe with my arms opened in excitement. I attached my finger to his tube shaped 'willy', or that's what he called it. I looked up at him and saw him grinning, making me grin. I couldn't help but squeeze the 'willy' that was attached to his body. He started laughing uncontrollably, pushing me away a bit. 

"y/n, stop! It tickles." He practically yells, making me flinch away. I giggled and moved away a little. He put on his pants before looking towards me again.

"So," he started. "Do you got one?"

Confused, I looked at him. "A what?"  

Joe blushed before restating his question. "A willy, of course! Have you got one, y/n?" I looked down after stretching the waist band of my pajamas far from my abdomen. I look in and saw no 'willy'. I looked up at him, and in shame I shook my head. He ran over to me and grabbed my hand.

"No need to worry y/n! You will grow one soon.

He smiled.

I smiled.

* Flash Back Ending * 

You can imagine the rest. 
Thanks for requesting  - they will be worked upon over the weekend. 
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