pregnant and sorry {08}

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My eyes blurred with tears as the urge of throwing up came back to me. I had been puking and crying all day about it. All I wanted to do at that moment was to curl up into a ball, sit in the corner of the room, and then dissappear.

But unfortunately, I could barely move away from the toilet seat. This vomit wasn't even digusting, it was just plain transparent, like water. I coughed loudly into the toilit seat, causing Joe to run into our toilet and hold my hair up while I did my buisness.

This was so embarrassing, because I was such a disgusting sight for one to look at. My eyes were draggy, and dark. My lips were red and a bit too swollen due to holding back of vomits. My hair was tangled, and I smelled a bit of vomit.

Now I really wanted to die, for I was probably disgusting Joe out of his life. I finally stopped vomiting and managed to wash my face over the sink. The reality struck me when I matches up the symptoms.

There is a chance that I an pregnant with Joe's baby, I thought. My palms began to sweat and Joe noticed, though he didn't question me.

"Joe, I need to go the the medical store and fect some medicines and tools if that's okay?" I spoke, almost sttruring the words out. I was super nervous.

What if I'm pregnant? What if it's an ugly baby? What if Joe isn't the father? That would be so f*cking bad. What if Joe doesn't approve of our baby? I thought.

Joe gave me a concerned look before he said, "Yeah sure, I need to make a phone call to somebody."

Joe left the bathroom, and I followed. I quickly grabbed my phone when Joe left. I brought it up to my ear, calling Zoe, Joe's sister.

"Ello!" She replied. I bit my bottom lip. What if I get into trouble? What if Joe gets is trouble? Because of me?

"Hi Zoe. I need to tell you something, and do you promise me you won't get mad?" I hesitated, my brain almost hurting due to the presure.

"Wut? Did Joe get you pregnant or something?" She laughed on the other line of the phone.

Oh how ironic.

Because it took me a while to open my mouth, Zoe had realized the situation.

"What? Are you serious right now?" Zoe laughed awkwardly. I nodded my head just to realize that she could only hear through the phone.

"I'm pretty sure..." I trailed off. I could here mumbles by her and perhaps Alfie. They chatted with muffled words, as I listened a little of what they had to say.

"Uh- can I ask you how many times you have done it recently without protection?" Zoe asked, awkwardly. My face was probably a bright color of red. This was Joe's older sister I was talking to. Of course it was embarrasing.

"More than twice...?" It was more like a question when I answered her's.

"And all the symptoms are showing, yeah?" Zoe asked with her thick posh-British accent.

"Uh-hu," I replied, as I gathered a few pieces of items in my hand bag. I took my car keys and went out the door,  while still talking to Zoe.

"Well this is quite a situation here-"

"Are you upset with Joe and I? You sound like you do not approve." I may have indirectly snapped at her a little through the phone. I heard another awkward laugh, accept this one was less awkward.

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