Cruel AF {05}

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I scrolled through my twitter hashtag #dare(y/n), looking for dares to perform during my next weekly video. I was really running out of ideas for videos, so I 'stole' my boyfriend Joe's idea on making a Dare(Y/N) video this week.

Just for this week.

I scrolled through millions of dares trying to find one good dare for the whole dare video.

All of a sudden I saw 50 people spam me, asking me to complete a terribly cruel dare.

It was: I dare you to do a fake breakup with Joe over the phone.

This was so cruel that I actually wanted to do it.

I called Zoe about it. What if Joe isn't going to be able to function well? What if the video is going to be a complete fail?

I did it anyways, wanting to try it out. I sat nervously as I sat in front of the camera, recording my self.

Then I called Joe. I filled in the silence while the phone was ringing.

"You guys are making me do this! I'll Blame you if he gets mad at me. I love you Joe. I promise!"

The ringing stopped with my heartbeat. (And then I died - jk)


Joe: Oh hey, Babe!

Me: uhh. Hi joe...

Joe: everything alright? You sound a little down today. Want me to come over tonight?

Me: no Joe. I wanted to talk to you for a while.

Joe: talk to me? Bout what-

Me: Joe uh... (contains laughter) I really wanted to say that I was missing you so much and stuff while you were on the trip with Casper. Alright? And then after a few day of return you went back on another trip with Zoe and such. I just feel like you have no time for me you know?

Joe: Y/N wha? What do you mean-

Me: Joe please let me finish. I just really think that we have never be this far apart you know? I've been trying to get your attention-

Joe: what the hell are you trying to say? Is everything okay with us? (Heavy breathing/slighthly crying and voices of people talking)

Me: Joe do you not understand what I am trying to do? First you won't quit talking when I ask you to, then you can't make enough time for me anymore (cries). Where are we? Where is us? We don't see things the way we used to Joe. (Actually cries). Joe you've changed too much while I stayed the same... it isn't fare. I am breaking up with you.

Joe: uh-hu.

My makeup okay even if I had been crying like a baby. My breath hitched because I felt so guilty. I kept the phone to my ear, sobbing loudly away from it. I felt my eyes puff up and the camera recorded me.

My heart jumped a second later. A figure had burst into my bed room. The filming lights blinded me. He walked closer to me and I instantly realized who it was.

"Joe..." I hitched. He looked at the camera and back at me as I sat on the bed crying. His pooffy eyes smiled a little before ingulfing me in a hug with such force that I fell back on the bed.

"I fuckin' hate you so much." He pecked my lips lightly and went back to hugging.

"Well that's too bad, because I fuckin' love you so fuckin' much."

He chuckled into my neck, and I smiled. The camera beeped, suggesting that the battery was low.

(Omg Aw).
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