the game {30} smt prt 1

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This might be inspired...

Babe?" Joe yelled from upstairs, making me groan loudly. This was the 50th time he had called on me while I was putting makeup on. Seriously, no You-Tuber that I have met has a proper sense of patience.

"Yes, Joe. I am coming!" I replied, slamming the lid down of the cream that I was trying to put on. Joe has gotten so annoying recently. I mean, I still loved him just that we had gotten almost too comfortable with each other, causing us to reveal suppressed emotions towards each other such as anger more easily.

I skipped up the stairs to find Joe talking to Zoe and this other tall guy I had never seen before. They were sat on the sofa with a camera pointing in Joe's direction. I bet he wanted me to help him film. Walking on the wooden floor, I made everyone turn around and greet me. Zoe squealed and ran up to me to hug me. We chatted a bit about how she was soon going to a One Direction concert. She invited me, but I politely declined. Me and Joe were planning to go meet up with other YouTubers who were visiting England.

"Maybe next time then?" Zoe asked with a twinkle of hope in her eyes. I nodded, making her hug me again.

"I promise!" I replied. Zoe took my hand a dragged me to the sofa across from Joe, where the tall, dirty-blondish haired man sat gazing with his piercing blue eyes. Classic.

"y/n meet Caspar." The tall man, Caspar, stood up to shake my hand. What a gentlemen. He was wearing casual clothes while I was wearing my grey baggy pajamas and a black t-shirt with a grey jacket on top. My hair was straightened and a snap-back was resting on my head. Yeah, I'm pretty getto-y during winter season. I think I looked pretty cool, if not hot. (a/n - in real life, bahhahahah)

"Hi, my name is Caspar. I am from South Africa!" He smiled, flashing his pure teeth, making me giggle at his accent.

"It's nice to meet you...Caspar." Caspar nodded. Holding my hand, he gestured me to sit down next to him. Zoe got up to fix Joe's camera before they finally started filming.

Caspar kept whispering things to me, making me giggle. I was hoping that my giggles and his whispers won't get into Joe's video.

Joe continued to ramble into to the camera about his trip to Cat Cafe, and how they needed to get 3,000 more cats to run a pleasant business. Caspar giggled lightly before moving his lips close to my ears. My cheeks went completely red.

Yes. I know I am dating Joe, but it doesn't matter who it is they will make me blush as soon as they get into my personal bubble. It wouldn't matter if we have been best friends since 2, I would still blush if they get too close to me. (a/n - tis true for me, and it sucks)

Caspar slipped, causing his lips to brush against my ears. I mentally smacked myself for getting turned on by that. Joe was still talking about how he would love the Cat Cafe if they had more cats, and how he was willing to donate a truck of cats. Caspar whispered into my ears, "Guess who likes a lot of pussies?"

Chuckles fell out of my lips, making Joe stop talking, and making Zoe nudge me with her elbows. I giggled a bit more before apologizing. I nudged Caspar with a huge grin, begging him to stop. He smiled goofyly and whispered another funny joke, worth laughing at. But I didn't laugh this time. Joe looked at me with disgust, causing a part of me to shatter. All my self-confidence dissolved, causing me to shrink into my sofa.

For the rest of the video, no one talked but Joe. He kept looking over to me as he talked, or during pauses. This was not natural, and it was surely freaking me out.

Horrible thoughts ran through my head. Is Joe mad at me? Of course he is mad at you! You were letting Caspar flirt with you! What do I do now? Don't get me into this. (I seriously have problems).

Joe had finally finished recording and now was socializing. I guess he wasn't mad after all, I thought. Maybe I had something on my face.

"Hey Zoe, could you help me move all this back downstairs?" Joe asked. Zoe nodded and followed him downstairs with a tripod and a light, leaving me and Caspar alone. I went over to the mini fridge in the corner, getting two cans of soda.

Handing one to Caspar, I spoke, "How's life?"

"Its boring," he replied, biting his lips. I felt a gust of air go through my head, later realizing that Caspar had taken my hat off.

Oh no, he did not just-

I placed my left hand on his chest and went on tipy toes trying to snatch it back out of his hands. I fell back when something started to buzz near my butt. It was my phone, and Joe had messaged me.

come downstairs

I excused myself, telling Caspar that I needed to wee. On my way down the stairs, I met Zoe who was giggling to herself.

"Hey, y/n! I am gonna have to go. It was so nice to see you!" Zoe embraced me into a hug.

"Are you taking Caspar with you?" I asked.

", actually have to go. I've got your number! I will text you, and it was nice meeting you." Caspar spoke from upstairs. I followed Zoe and Caspar upstairs. It wouldn't be polite of me if I just went to see Joe instead. Once again I hugged Zoe, and Caspar held me into a friendly embrace. He placed my hat on top of my head and patted it down. Soon they were out of the door, making me sigh out of tiredness.

I was really hoping Joe was calling me downstairs for a nice cuddle.

Oh, was I so utterly wrong.



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