baby {27}

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I am going to try Joe's pov.

Joe's POV

"It's either the mother or the baby. Which one?" Said the doctor, what a useless doctor he was. I looked at him with disgust, anger and confusion.

"Is that even a question to ask? Save the fucking mother! I don't want a child if it has to be this way." A few tears trailed down the road that was already made by prior lane of tears. Oh, god! I was a mess.

I had just given some blood to y/n to keep her going. Of course this was going to happen. y/n was always week, since they day I had met her. When I bumped into her on the London streets, she had almost fainted. I buried my head into my palms until someone tapped my shoulder lightly. I looked you to the same doctor, who had guilt written all over his face.

"What? is something the matter now?" I asked, worried. I pushed myself off of the bench outside the room where y/n was to bring a new life to the world. The one that we created together.

The doctor shook his head, as if he was regretting talking to me. He nodded his head before speaking, "There is a little concern. We need more blood. Like immediately. Our blood supply will not be delivered until in the morning. It's raining cats and dogs outside- we can't ring anyone, nor is anyone willing to arrive with a few blood bags." He hesitated. "It will be uncomfortable for the patient if we inject blood from different people. So I'd like to ask if you're feeling well enough to donate another pint of blood. I do understand that you have donated a pint already, but we will hook you up as soon as we get a blood bag for you."

Are you fucking kidding, mate? I was going to say, but thought the better for y/n. Ignoring the fact that I had already donated a pint of blood, I stood up to walk into a solitaire room.

A nurse sat me down and pulled up my black sleeves. She penetrated the needle into my wrist. She turned on a machine, which I presumed, sucked my blood even faster. withing 30 seconds, she had a whole pint of blood in a blood bag (that's probably not enough - just imagine that its enough for Joe to become week).

She took the needle out and placed a bandage onto my wrist. Instantly, she asked me to follow her into the room where y/n laid in pain. She sat me down on a chair right next to y/n.

Her lips were dried, color less. Sharp cheekbones were even sharper on her face. Her lips are slightly apart. I couldn't help but let our hands slip into each other's, laced together as if a perfect outfit.

Then I fainted with my head resting about our hands.

-------- time flew by --------

I heard muffled, soft, cries, making me wake up. my head jolted back and my hands retracted up to my hair. My eyes opened, after I rubbed them quite a bit.

y/n laid there with her eyes opened, tears trailing down her side. I quickly got my hold back onto her palms. I continued to kiss her knuckles as she continued to sob. She spoke like a angel, making every hair on my body shoot straight. My head rested on her neck, as she continued to cry. I kissed her cheeks lightly.

"Joe-" She tried to speak. "What happened to the baby?" Her bottom lip quivered in fear. How lovely her eyes were, as they stared into mine in tears.

'They told me to chose either you or him." I chocked out. That should have been enough for her to understand right?

"And you chose me?!" She seemed so confused that I could see hints of anger. "But the baby didn't even get to live!" She wasn't exactly yelling, just articulating. "You wanted this child, Joe. What happened?" Her face suddenly fell. "Is it my fault?" She scooted up so that she was half sitting up on the bed, and I supported her. I continued to kiss her skin. I rested my face into her hands, crying in it.

"y/n, don't blame yourself for anything. Please, you need to rest. I want to help you so bad. Please understand, I did really want him, but if I did have him, I wouldn't have been able to live with the fact that I had an option where you were present. I would be better off in darkness with you instead of without you. Don't you blame any of this on yourself. It doesn't matter, as long as you're with me, alright?" I stayed there for a long minute, in her palms crying. I sniffled before looking back at y/n who was sound asleep. With a red face, I smiled and tasted my tears as they entered my mouth. Salty.

I pulled the covers up to her chest, and stood up. After connecting my lips to hers for a split second, I left to get some blood back into my system.

- sigh -

life sucks butts

ThatcherJoe (Sugg) Imagines - on holdWhere stories live. Discover now