Fangirling {06}

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This one is extremely short. Watch out! Don't forget to request imagines! I'm running outta ideas.

{Y/N} POV.

Dan Howell follows you on twitter.

My twitter feed had blew up, so I decided to take a scroll through it.

Dan Howell follows you on twitter.

No fucking way.

No, just no!

"Joe!" I screamed, and I started shaking on the sofa. All of a sudden, I began to question my existence. "Joe- Joe- Joey!"

"Is every thing alright babe?" He ran up the stares and sat down next to me on my sofa. My face was fully red, my eyes filling with the tears of joy.

"Baby look at this," I calmed a little. I showed him the screenshot of the feed that flipped my life up side down. "Dan fucking Howell is freaking following me on twitter!"

Joe sat there, not amused at all. "Congrats?" I engulfed him in a hug of peace as he laid back on the sofa.

"I hope it's okay with you that I love Dan Howell more than anyone or anything." A few tears shed out of my eyes. Joe laughed awkwardly and hugged me tighter. "I am kidding."


There we laid breathing in and out together at the same beat and force.

"But is it okay if I marry Danisnotonfire?"

"Shut up."


ThatcherJoe (Sugg) Imagines - on holdWhere stories live. Discover now