after party {18}

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a/n - okay I feel like I am obligated to do a smut after this one because the story description. 
I don't want to... But I kinda do. THAT GIRL IN THE PHOTO IS SO SKINNY ~ HER LEGS WITH HEELS ON IS LIKE WTF. Imagine you're wearing that dress and you kind of have that same body shape - ofcourse a little more healthy. 

This may be inspired (idek)

y/n pov

It was my short black dress (attacked to the chapter) that caught many people's gaze. Against my bronze skin, it looked so beautiful. After a light brush of makeup, I was ready to leave with my best friends: Joe Sugg and Caspar Lee. I walked around the rug, checking for any defects in the nude high heels. 

"Babe, you ready?" Joe called from upstairs. I exited the basement to be greeted by Joe and Caspar wearing  casual clothing. 

"Do you think I overdressed?" I spoke, all of a sudden feeling a bit insecure. Joe scanned me, making me blush slightly. He shook his head with a smile. I looked towards Caspar and he followed suit. 

We had rented a black limo, each of us paying 100 pounds. Zoe, Louise, Alfie a few more, were going to be riding it to Joe and Caspar's apartment. 

When Joe received a text we exited. A butler stood outside the limo, waiting for us to enter. Joe and Caspar went in, and I followed behind.

The car smelled of sweet perfumes. I heard Caspar crack a joke that made everyone laugh. I smiled as I entered the limo, delighted to see everybody. Louise got to me first and hugged me tightly. She cursed under her breath after realizing that she had slightly messed up my hair. I told her its alright. I hugged Zoe and Alfie quickly. I sat between Louise and Zoe, sipping on some watered down wine.

As the car started rolling, I heard a burst of laughter from the other end of the car. 

Dan fvcking Howell. (and Phil Lester sitting with the boys)

I choked on the wine; great way to embarrass yourself, you idiot. I started coughing unpleasantly, as tears were on the verge of escaping. Louise helped me by rubbing my back lightly. Then the worst happened. He looked at me as he continued to laugh along with Phil, Joe, Caspar, Alfie. His laugh fell into a smiled as we held each other's gaze. I tried to smile, and guess what?

Wine dripped down my chin.

I felt like female version of freaking Harry Potter. Dan chuckled before looking away and joining back into their chat. 

I looked around for the closest tissue paper. Dan had gotten up heading towards it, for it was away from everybody else. I got up to help myself after Dan. We stood across from each other as I wiped my chin. He smiled almost sexily, basically killing me. 

"I see that you like the color black," he spoke, pointing to my dress with the hand that held wine. I smiled shyly. 

"I could say the same for you." I tried okay. I am never going to be as cool as him, so you lot respect that I at least tried.

He held out his hand for me to shake, and I took it. I literally felt an electric shock; damn it, hair statics. I flinched my hand away. He chuckled. Great.

"Here, let's try this again." He held out his hand, and I took it. "I am Dan. Dan Howell. And you must be..." Okay, was I that unpopular that he didn't know my name?

"y/n" I spoke. "I though you might recognize me from last year meet up at the BBC Radio station."

"I was just making sure." Liar. I chuckled, then again it kind of hurts when people forget of your existence - like Joe currently had. 

Dan knew how awkward I was, so he was holding the conversation. We sat back down, but Dan chose to sit next to me this time. Phil, Alfie, Joe and Caspar joined us as well. I was squished between Joe and Dan, what a lovely day. I met Phil - the coolest 30 year old man in the car. I could relate to him way too much.

I felt Dan resting his arm around my shoulder casually - and his actions were pretty smooth instead of abrupt. He had done it when he was talking about how we were basically the same people in different body, but clearly I was the opposite of social.

Finally we were here. It was my first time going to the Playlist Live in Florida ~ I was going to faint. Joe placed his hand on my thigh and squeezed it a bit. Feels ran through my body, why did just Joe do that? I turned my head around to look at him. He had a huge grin plastered onto his face. 

"You ready?" He whispered, barely audible. I nodded as everyone started getting ready to exit. "Also, Dan do you mind showing y/n around and getting her use to this? It's her first time, and I need to call up Andi." 

"Yeah, mate. Why not." Dan replied with a smile, and grabbed my hand. He pulled me out of the limo gracefully. And we entered the event. 

- Event -

The event was great - I had more fans than I thought. Dan and I were now best buddies. Now it was time for the awkward after party. 

I looked around for Joe, but couldn't seem to find him. I felt a tap on my shoulder. 

"May I have this dance?" I heard a rough voice behind me whispering into my ears. I turned around to see Joe. I grinned, "where were you?" I wrapped my hands around his neck. His hands snaked to my waist, and my body basically melted - Why do I feel so high?

"I haven't seen you all day." Joe spoke, as he rested his chin on my shoulder. He pulled me closer, making me all hot and bothered. This was so awkward because we were best friends. 

"Oh you know, I have been hanging out with Dan-"

"Well then don't." Joe said, making me slightly disgusted, and then confused. I pulled away so we were holding each other's gazes. 

"Wha- W-why would you say that?"I questioned."Are you drunk?"

"No, but..." The song changed to Jealous by Nick Jonas. Joe chuckled, "How ironic." I was confused again. And then it hit me, that Joe was jealous? Or was I mistaken?

"I don't know what to say," I said fumbling my finger on the hair above his neck out of nervousness. With a smile on his face, he pulled me even closer if it was possible. He stared into my eyes for a moment before moving  his gaze onto my lips. I stared at his, hypnotized as he continues to talk. 

"You don't have to say anything."


His lips met mine with a smile. I couldn't help smile into the kiss, as he himself smiled into the kiss.

His kissed my bottom lip, probably making it soar and plump now. My hands were into his hair as we were berried deep into the crowd. Before our kiss could turn into a make out, I sightly pushed onto his chest.

"Not here, Joe."

Okay so next is smut *yay* how ironic
that is because I know nothing about
that genre.    

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