meant to be {17}

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A/N: This part of the imagined is inspired by
another wattpadder: mukewasowski

this is not a copy - just inspired. And I gave her creds so...
Italics are flash backs.

y/n pov

Many years ago, as I remember, I had concluded that there is no real purpose to living. This was till I met Joe Sugg: my everything.

I unlocked my hotel room and noticed the presence of a man with a towel wrapped around his torso to the right of me. It took me a second to soak in his feature: Dirty blond hair, blue eyes, sharp nose, sharp jawline, muscular arms, and BAM  - six packs. My eyes traveled back to his as he stared at me. His hair was dripping with cold water in this cold winter. He stared at me before stuttering out some words which made me smile. 

"Um hey there. I am locked out, mind if I come in?" 

We became each other's drug after that. He was my first boyfriend and only one I ever had. 

"Is it okay? If I kiss you that is?" Joe asked, knowing that he was to steal my first kiss. My awkwardness caused me to send a slight nod towards his direction. He smiled and attacked his pillow-soft lips to mine. I smiled into the kiss before scolding myself. He stood there in his towel while I was fully clothed. I felt some water on my cheeks, which dripped down his hair. My lips quivered in the kiss, slightly chilled by the sudden contact. He broke away and headed to the shower with a large grin on both of our faces. 

He cared a lot about everything, even what my parents thought of him. 

Joe ran his shaking hand on his tux to brush the non-existing dust away. He had been disappearing this day. He wasn't sure how my parents would react to him dropping out of college. Personally, college was the least of my problems. I couldn't care less if he was somewhat uneducated. He still had the most attractive personality I had ever came across. 

I engulfed Joe, telling him that he was going to be alright. He was, because my parents loved him. 

And 30 years after marriage, death came. 

We held our hands together, a smile plastered onto our lips, we waited patiently for death to arrive.

Wat did  I just write <3

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