cheat {10}

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I did love Caspar when we had gotten married, but soon I got extremely bored of him. It wasn't the same anymore. I was never the girl who settled down with someone to start a family. Instead, I preferred to travel around, break hearts. When I looked at Caspar in his office room with his business mate to realize that I had stayed with Caspar too long. 

Caspar was really kind, because he was the first man that I had hooked up with, who actually purposed to me within 2 weeks. I said 'yes'. Now, I was slightly regretting it as I peeked through the door, spying on both men in the suits and ties. Since it was pretty late. and I was pretty sleepy, I fell against the door, barging into their chat. Caspar turned around with a smile plastered across his face. 

I gave him an apologetic look, but he waved it off, calling me to stand next to him. Since It was night, I was obviously in my rich night (completely see through) gown. Caspar had money and everything, but he lacked fun. And I was all about that life. 

Caspar and I sat across from another guy in suit. I played with the laces of my dress, as they talked. I glanced at the guy who sat opposite to us. He had dirty blond hair which was pushed back. His blue eyes had eye bags underneath them. His nose was a sharp triangular one. His jaw like was sharper than Caspar. The suit hugged him tightly, revealing the shapes of his arm muscles. I bit my lip, looking back at my lap. He shifted in his seat.

"Joe? You alright mate?" Caspar asked. I looked back up to the man named Joe. We accidentally locked our eyes together. 

"Yup, I am alright." His raspy voice burned my cheeks for some reason. Caspar looked at him concerned. 

"Alright, so I was wondering if you would want to join with our company?" Caspar asked. 

"No," Joe replied sternly. My head popped up to look at him with sudden confusion. His stubbornness mirrored mine. "I don't like to stay in one business for too long. It gets a little boring." 

"Same," I broke in. He looked at me with slight smirk. Caspar next to me started to sweat. This was a \big deal to him because it could literally make him the youngest billionaire.

"If you don't mind, I will be right back," said Caspar. He probably went to get high. I sat there under the stare of Joe. He tapped his fingers on the table lightly. 

"So, what say we run away?" He said through a smirk. I lifted my left hand and pointed a finger to my wedding ring.  "Oh so you're married to that bum."

My lips parted at his rudeness. "How dare you talk about my husband like that?!" I whispered-shouted it. He kept smirking, making me want to punch him. Caspar was a very nice man, and Joe had no right to call him a bum just because he may be a billionaire. 

"I know you're already bored of him. There are many more fishes in the tank, finer than him." He sat up, hinting that he was referring to himself. He moved his hand and placed it on top of mine. He stood up and leaned across the table to whisper into my ear. I shivered slight with the sudden contact. 

"If you ain't coming then I'm leaving." He pushed his chair back and got up. Fixing his suit, he started to walk out of the room. I shifted uncomfortably.

"Okay... you're right I am bored as hell. Where... um... will you take me?"

"Where ever you wish to go, babygirl."


Lol BabyGirl Sounds So SEXUAL.
LAWL ~ Sorry will be updating soon. 

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