hotel hot tub {09}

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Hello! Here we have our first requested imagine.
I will be writing an imagine for Rebecca.
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Rebecca's POV

I was probably extremely lucky to go on a YouTube Tour with my best friend, Joe. He had invited, and only God knows why. I remember how he refused when I had offered to pay for my own ticket to Thailand. 

Yup, we were visiting Thailand. It was such a beautiful place. I had always wanted to live here because it had the best weather, people, food and visiting sites. 

The hotel that we were renting for about a week, was the prettiest thing that I had ever lived in. Caspar and Ollie of course came with us to Thailand.

Joe was currently recording a blog, talking about how brilliant the house was. It did cost a lot of money, but they had split the money fee. Joe payed extra because he had brought me. I promised that I would pay him back as soon as possible.

Joe shut off his camera and thew it on the bed next to me. I looked up at him, just to see him smirking. The next thing he did was inappropriate although hot as hell. He took is shirt off. I covered my eyes, but actually was peeping through the holes that my figures created. 

"Let's go to the outdoor hot tub," Joe said, his face burning red. "It's at a good temperature now."

My face, turning completely red, I spoke, "Joe it's freezing out." I laughed awkwardly, getting off of the bed. His lips pouted, making me feel terrible about my decisions. 

"Well that's why it's called a hot tub. Don't worry, it's going to be brilliant." Joe said, in a 'duh' voice. I nodded with my bottom lip bitten under my teeth. 

I walked out of his area giving him privacy to change into his swimwear. I changed into my own bikini. I wore a long t-shirt on top, to hide some skin, and to get some warmth. I picked up my huge towel, and ran outside in my flipflops, just to see Joe already in the warm steamy tub with his hands on either side of the edge of the tub, head laid back and eyes shut.

The tub was huge, and deep. The water was bubbling warm, and the tube was surrounded by lit candles covered with glass. The candles radiated heat. I opened a warm box and placed my towel in there, just to keep the warm so that it won't be freezing when I dry myself off.

Due to my squeaky flipflops, his eyes popped open. He caught me staring, and it was so awkward. He smirked and nodded his head towards the other side of the tub, motioning me to get in. I smiled, and once again it was all awkward. I took off my flipflops, and dipped my legs in while still sitting on the edge. 

I waited for Joe to look away, but he wouldn't. I sighed in my mind, and took of the shirt that was covering me body parts. I awkwardly reviled my bikini to him. I hated wearing bikini. I hated showing skin. 

As soon as I had taken off my t-shirt, I jumped in. Then I was surprised of how deep the tub was. I struggled to swim to the top, for I was still a noob at swimming. I thrashed around until I felt something and grabbed onto it. I used it to swim up. It was Joe's arm, I was holding on. I pulled him closer until I was hugging him tightly, my hands around his neck.  I was finally out of water, no longer drowning, but I was awkwardly breathing loudly against Joe's neck. 

His hands were holding my waist as I had my own hand wrapped tightly around his neck. Joe's chest lifted and fell, as he started to breath heavily on my shoulder. I pushed myself off of him, but still holding onto his shoulder. Again we had an awkward stare, which he laughed off.

"You haven't learned how to swim yet?" He chuckled, still holding onto me. 

"I can't! The bubbles in the water are making it hard for me!" I squealed. He chuckled. 

"Alright I'll take you to the other side of the tub," he laughed. "Seriously though! It's not ever that big. It's just deep.It's actually not even that deep, just a foot or three added with our heights." He held onto me as we swam to the other side, which was barely 2 meters away. When we did reach, I placed one hand on Joe's shoulder and the other one rested on the edge of the tub. 

"How about your try to swim to the other side? I'll be on the other side just in case." He thought, and it was a good idea. I nodded my head. He got to his spot and I tried hard to swim up to him. The huge bubbles in the water were distracting my breathing pattern, making me lose concentration. I was so close, when I suddenly got dizzy and actually started drowning. I heard Joe's slight laugh but then he realized how seriously I was struggling. He cursed before mini-diving into the water. He grabbed my hand and once again, we swam to the top of the surface. Tears filled my eyes, when I had thought I was going to die. 

Joe hugged me tightly, whispering how sorry he was for laughing and everything. When we pulled apart, his face was very close to mine, maybe a little too close for best friends. A part of me couldn't help but stare. Joe then close his eyes, and I followed the pattern. I could feel this heart beat, and he could feel mine. With high heartbeats, he brushed his lips slightly onto mine. I quickly pecked his lips and slightly moved back.

"We should go back," I said. I some how managed to swim to the stares and he followed. I turned naround as I was about to exit. I bit my bottom lip, thinking hard if I should do what was coming to my mind. I decided on yes. "You know what, I wanna try something." I spoke, gaining sudden attitude and confidence. "Are you ready?"

Joe just nodded, looking at my lips. I pulled him closer to me, and he too pulled me closer. I finally connected our lips, doing something that the both of us had been wanting to do for days now. I smiled into the kiss, thinking about how stupid my idea was. I tried hard to stop myself from floating. And it ended up us sunk to the bottom, kissing softly, breathing and living water. It was the best kiss ever.


After hugging and spinning in circles in warm water, we finally decided it was time to go. Because the hot tub was a bit far away from the door, we had to run. It all seemed easy, until Joe told me that he had forgotten his towel. I ended up sharing mine with him as we walked inside, wrapped in one towel. This was less awkward because Joe and I were finally in a relationship.

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