YouNow {25}

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Smut next    -__-

~ still A Joe Sugg fic thooo~

y/n pov 

(intended non-capitalization in this chapter.)

before going on to younow, i cleaned up my room. my underwear were thrown around these days since I was so busy. it's better if my fans on younow do not see that. 

btw if you do not know what younow is - its a website which broadcasts you to all the people on that app/website. it is the only way i can easily interact with my fans. the queen, or i should say the kings of younow are dan and phil. when ever they go on, the internet just breaks. 

it's quite hilarious actually. 

i type in my user name for younow and it takes me three tries before i actually get my password on point. don't blame me! my password is; harrypotterandthefaultinthering.

pretty geeky, i know.

i tweeted/tumblred everybody, announcing my arrival on younow. as soon as i pressed 'brodcast now' my computer lagged. it took ten seconds to load the comments and the number of people watching. it was already up to a thousands now. my heart was beating rapidly. i waved at the camera - hoping they could see me. millions of 'hey's and 'hello's shot through my screen. i smiled before talking for the first time.

"hey guys!" i giggled excitedly. i read off a bunch of hello's from the chat. mentioned a few people's name. then i started replying to people's questions.

"'what would you do if Joe Sugg noticed you?' asked Tabatha" i laughed before answering. "i'd have an existential crisis for a whole week." laughing again. "you guys should tweet him to come on and watch me- not in a creepy way." i giggled.

"'how do you like your donuts?' asked sherlocked2000. first of all - brilliant usename. and i like them plain actually." then i started blabbering. "you quite weird, but i really like plain glazed donuts instead of chocolate filling on the inside, covered with unicorn icing on the top with birthday fresh sprinklers on top. Okay lets be honest, that sounds unhealthy and disgusting, even is there is something like 'unicorn icing' in it." i laughed, and sighed. "What do you guys think unicorn icing would look/taste like?"

i received a bunch of unique answer. i read some of them - accept the very inappropriate ones which i read only in my head.

"'look like rainbow, taste like skittles'

'cotton candy' hold on guys! i need to grab my cup of tea. *walks over the table, picks up tea and returns* okay let us resume."

I brought the hot tea up to my lips and sipped a little. The next comment, i didn't read out loud, but i slightly spilled my tea, which ran down my thumb. 

it said ; unicorn icing - looks like joe's cum, tastes like joe's cum. 

i bowed my head, trying not to show everyone that i read that comment. i finally burst into a laugh. it wasn't even that funny, just ironic. 

i licked off the split  tea from the sides of the mug, looking at the comments. "don't mind me guys, just giving this mug a blowjob." the fans cracked up into the commenting section, making me laugh. i noticed that i had split tea on my thumb. i brought it up to my mouth and wrapped my lips around it like a baby. i sucked on it till there was no tea.

many people saw something in that action that wasn't innocent. 

my eyes scanned over some comments. 

kellyisthebro: yo share some tea.

boopdoop: what tea is worth licking off.

jikolojhi0: eww wtf. y/n what is you doin.

kilopop: ^chill it's just tea. she is probably more cleaner than all of us.

thatcherJoe: when y/n's thumb is luckier than you

pikacusuck- HOLD UP! REWIND. I scrolled up the list of spamming comments. 

my face was left hanging, and i read Joe Sugg's comment. what is life, i asked.

"'when y/n's thumb is luckier than you' said Joe Sugg. i dont even know guys. excuse me while i get me some wine.' i laughed, with my head into my palms. 'is this real life'.  okay i shouldn't have said that out loud. 

floods of comments rushed in, talking about Joe and mine ship. i just giggled, reading all of them. 

"Joe are you still on? asked jlaw23" i read. instantly a message popped up from Joe. 

'yes i m very turned on.'



wat is lyfe

shit my math grades

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