How you met {03}

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This is going to be so awkward! I repeated to myself, regretting saying yes to him to take me on a blind date.

It was even worse because he was my cousin Alfie's best mate. He had hooked us up without even bothering about telling me. It was just too much. I knew Alfie would only hook me up if his best friend was pretty damn hot and caring.

I was feeling so aprehensice about my look tonight, that I had tried on about 40 outfits.

Nothing seems to look nice when you desperately want it to.

I sighed. The earing that I was currently wearing were pushing my ear hole to the center of the earth. They are huge and maybe a little garish. I took them off, sighing for the fiftieth time.

Good thing I started early.

For another five minutes, I couldn't help but let a train of thoughts run over me.

If I wear alot of makeup, then I'll look intimidating and fake. If I wear too less, it wasn't going to be a good night. Since its winter, I will obviously need to wear something long. But Dan(isnotonfire <3), my best friend, told me that I should wear something short and sexy but act innocent. I quote, "You would definetly get slayed tonight."

Clearly I wasn't one of those girls... But I really did wanna have a nice first impression. I decided to wear high-thigh black socks - maybe tights. On top, I wore a dress that reviled a bit of my thighs, the rest covered with the stockings.

The dress I wore was a bit dark, thought contained light colors like pink and cream. It had mostly black and the neck of the blouse was a little too big. The bottom half of the dress was flowie and flowery. A bit too girly to my usual likings but it was perfect. When I looked in the mirror, it was perfect. I picked up a black jacket that laid on my bed. It reached till the end of my dress, fitting perfectly. I put on gloves tag failed to cover my knuckles. My hair was already up in a curly bun, and my nails were already perfected.

I smiled at reflexion one more time before exiting with my coffee and keys. As I concentrated on locking my apartment, I could here a group of people laughing out side my building. I carefully walking down in highheels. Damn it! Shouldn't have worn those, I thought to myself. But they look quite nice actually.

The clacking of my heals were far to loud as I walked down the uneven steps. My heart fluttering with happiness I opened the door.

Noises of other people was being heard from the enterence to my building. Standing in the front of the door, I shut my eyes with a huge smile across my lips. My heart fluttering with the excitement of meeting my cousin's best mate. It didn't seem so bad after all.

The next step into the road I took was the only I really, really regreted. Without looking around I had stepped out. A person my hight had bumped into me, spilling my own hot coffee all over me. Before I could scream with agony of the burn, I took a notice of my surrounding. After full seconds I realized that it had fallen backed into the side walk. After a other full second, I heard a curse.

"Oh sh*t!" The person growled. That's right. Oh sh*t. I struggles to move. My eyes were filled with tears of pain and the terrible luck of mine. I was finally to go on a date and now here I lay on the sidewalk with my whole dress in a complete mess. I felt this awkward lump in my throat and I didn't like this feeling at all. I tried to push my self up but my fingers were numb. With blurred vision I couldn't see anything but a figure that stood in front of me with their hands in front of my face, wanting to help.

Oh freaking gosh. Why did He make me so freaking sensitive? I question myself. I took his hand and he lifted me up.

"Ow!" I couldn't hold it so I let it slip. My bum was hurting. My body was burning but the windy winter made me cold. I was both hot and cold at the same time, which was actually the most uncomfortable feeling I had ever gotten. I looked away, blinking away the tears to see better and the man mumbled curses and apologies. He ruffled his hair very often, making them look so soft. When I laid eyes on him, I really wanted to punch him. He had ruined my night.

He repeated 'sorry' now for the millionth time. I bit my bottom lip, holding my self from screaming at him. He was so good look thought, I couldn't help but stare. His eye brows furrowed and he held my elbows to support me.

"I am so sorry!"
This is when I realized that my night wasn't actually ruined. The street lights turned on and they ignited his face which laid inches away from me. My breath hitched all suddenly and he let me go. My arms traveled up and down my opposite shoulder, creating a little bit of heat. "It's okay," I looked down at my feet.

"Oh my god... don't tell me! I've ruined your night out!" My head zapped toward his direction instantly.

"What the fu*k! Are you Sherlock?" My eyes widened at my sudden change in behaviour.

"In fact I am! Though I prefer being called Joe, Joe Sugg." He smirked, making me giggle slightly.
My phone buzzed all of a sudden. It was Alfie. He probably got a call from his best mate that I was super late. I simply canceled it and continued listing to Joe's excuses of bumping into me.

"Is everything okay? Am I keeping you away from someone?" He asked with a chuckle. Actually he was indeed keeping me away.
"It's not a big deal really." I said as we continue to chatter in the cold but hot winter.

That was so long and boring <3
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